Card idea: Quen reflection

Card idea: Quen reflection

New version:

This card will only protect 1 slected card, and the effect would be this: 1/2 of the recieved damage would be reflected to a random enemy card. When this 1/2 is a number which contains a decimal comma, this number will be scaled up (e.g. 0.5 --> 1 damage).

Old version:

This card will only protect 1 slected card, and the effect would be this:
  • 1/3 of the received damage will be dealt (if possible).
  • 1/3 of the received damage will be absorbed (if possible)
  • 1/3 of the received damage will be reflected to a random enemy (if possible)
When the damage is 1: it will get fully absorbed.
When the damage is 2: ½ will be absorbed and ½ will be dealt.

This means that the received damage needs to be higher than 2 to get the all the effects working.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you support this idea, if not please provide feedback.
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Lacerate/Venom a row of units of the same kind...

(Nevermind the other complexities. This will be a nightmare.)
Isn't that a bit complicated. I mean, it's a nice idea, but there really are not many cards like this in Gwent so far.
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