Shouldn't Isengrim need be buffed?

Shouldn't Isengrim need be buffed?

(Pardon me for my bad English~~)Apparently, he is rarely seen now.Because the last patch nerfed him too much.and another reason he is not the immediate effect gold crad(like ciri),so if can't get him in first round,he is almost useless and he can killed by someone.(If I remember right ,Isengrim is in a higher position than Iorveth. It is really inappropriate to give Isengrim a such lame ability.By the way the 6-strength Isengrim is totally domainated by the 6-damage Iorveth.)

I know ,maybe someone want to refute me ,but he is really weak now.By contrast,I also want to complain the NR resurrection chain that I did yesterday.In last round ,I only had Shani one card,I use shani resurrected the baron and baron resurrected the king of beggar then played Nenneke then Priscilla then Field Medic then someone.It's a huge resurrection chain and I only use shani just shani I get more than 30 points.indeed horrible~please buff the Isengrim.

and more i want to request is that let Aglais reverted back to her original ability.She can resurrect a non-Gold Special Card from either graveyard that is really good but not OP.I used NR before but i always think it's strong and less fun so I try different decks.But intresting cards always get nerfed:(.All right ,just my opinon,anyway i don't think the non-Gold Special Card in opponent graveyard can be too strong so that the Aglais is get nerfed again and again.:confused:
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eillinggel;n7465750 said:
Aglais reverted back to her original ability. She can resurrect a non-Gold Special Card from either graveyard that is really good but not OP.

I think the change was mainly so monsters could grave rob the special cards so that you can't frost 18 times with her. It would be weird to change their ability to banishing cards from the opponent's grave since I assume we will see future monster cards that use units in the grave in addition to how Ghouls, and Grave Hag currently work.

It is also much harder to balance a game when a card can routinely use an different faction's specific cards, and allows the faction to operate in a way unintended for its play style. Reinforcements on Blue Mountain for use on an Elven Merc. for example.
Isengrim is totaly fine. There is just no deck for him but thats a problem 70% of the cardpool has at the moment. When you want to buff every single card that sees no play you Need to buff most of the cards in the game.
The game need way more cards to make more deckmechanics playable. That should fix the problem with many. non-played cards
Isengrim is very powerful, if you use him good, he can bring you more than 5 neophytes on different rows in one round. You play Scoia'tael, how is drawing him later a problem? Francesca, people. ST can really get the cards they need, if they want.
He totally wrecked me once and I was really unable to do anything against him, then he gave thunderbolt to his 8 units on 3 different rows and I really lost it.
You just have to make a deck focused on spawning many neophytes.
Buff Aglais vs nerf Aglais war all over again...
You jump from Isengrim to NR resurrection to Aglais. This thread really goes all over the place (and isn't just about Isengrim). Anyhow...

He got indirectly nerfed because of the change to Neophytes. Regardless he is still strong in a Mercenary deck. It's true Ioveth can kill him, but only a few cards can snipe gold cards. Those cards are strong precisely because they can hurt gold cards. That doesn't make Isengrim weaker, however.

NR resurrection chain
The situation you described is theoretically possible, but it requires a lot of luck and using Baron with D-shackles or Sergeant. It's true NR resurrection is strong, maybe too strong. But you shouldn't judge it on the best case scenario, but rather on what happens most of the times.

This has been discussed at length before, both sides of the coin: Nerf Aglais vs Buff Aglais
If you have, 3 mercs, 3 first lights, 1 fireball, hawker support, thunderbolt along with isengrim you can still play him and be very strong.
4RM3D;n7467020 said:
You jump from Isengrim to NR resurrection to Aglais. This thread really goes all over the place (and isn't just about Isengrim). Anyhow...

He got indirectly nerfed because of the change to Neophytes. Regardless he is still strong in a Mercenary deck. It's true Ioveth can kill him, but only a few cards can snipe gold cards. Those cards are strong precisely because they can hurt gold cards. That doesn't make Isengrim weaker, however.

NR resurrection chain
The situation you described is theoretically possible, but it requires a lot of luck and using Baron with D-shackles or Sergeant. It's true NR resurrection is strong, maybe too strong. But you shouldn't judge it on the best case scenario, but rather on what happens most of the times.

This has been discussed at length before, both sides of the coin: Nerf Aglais vs Buff Aglais

Baron with Sergeant is very common in the meta unless the opponent is Monster,you can see.So shani+baron+.......need to be fixed.Doesn't it?
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I'd think that the changes to isengrim and neophytes were made specifically because of malena.
before the patch isengrim gave you 4 strength in neophytes, now he can still give you 4 strength, 3 from one neophyte and 1 damage from malena.
without that change to isengrim malena would ping twice for each special, and combine that with merc-first light-rally BS. it'd be kinda crazy.
IMO the changes to isengrim are fine.
I think the issue with Isengrim, as he stands, is that he is strongest during the round when you thin your deck (i.e with mercs, commandos and first light) and ST typically doesn't need the extra value he provides in that round so bringing him is overkill.

I think once first light inevitably gets hit with the nerf bat you will see Isengrim start to come back into play.
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