Deserters should be punished....heavily!

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Deserters should be punished....heavily!

Am I the only one who despise folks who drop out of games? Everyone hates to lose match, especially those close games. However, isn't that part of what makes Gwent fun? I'm really tired of those who desert games. Take your loss learn from it and play better next time!!! Don't tell me, "they already lose the match and you get the win." No, i wanna see heads roll, CDPR make it happen...thx.
What do you mean by deserters?
Do you mean someone who quits when you still have 3 cards, are winning and they have zero and already lost? If you keep playing, you're just wasting their time, so of course they should quit. In fact, the game should find out you cannot lose at this point and award the victory immediately.
You're assuming people drops from games because they're somehow mad. I do it myself, not often but i do it when i know i have lost, time is gold. Why should we sit and watch the opponent play their cards when you already know you have lost?
The OP is a sadist who wants others to suffer. I rather forfeit than keep playing, whats the point? Stop wasting my time.
No. Just… No.

There is no reason whatsoever to punish those forfeiting, especially if not done abusively.

You are solely wasting your time and the time of your opponent when you know for sure you cannot win no longer and keep on going nonetheless.

The only possible aspect that might annoy you, maybe, is that you earn less experience points and they might forfeit at the very moment the game is making them pass anyway in the decisive turn, for some obscure reason, which might be perceived as rude, rather than wait the few seconds it would take for the game to do its things on its own.

No matter what, there is no reason for you to get upset.

In the first case, you might have loss a few experience points on Performance scale, but save some time in the process ; it adds up at the end in a clear experience gains.

In the second case, well, it might be annoying, but I am sure you are capable to deal with it in a reasonable manner. There are multiple reasons they might want to forfeit at that moment, chief among them not wanting to waste time looking at the game doing its things where it makes both players pass and other things of the sort. Some other reasons might include a fluctuant Internet, pushing you to rack up the most games quickly when it works fine. I had, for once, had won a game, but my Internet was so shitty at times that I was forced to forfeit despite the fact I had already won ; both players had no more card in hand, I had a higher score. All was great. Then, the game proceeds with its procedure, but before it could do all its stuff, my Internet crashed and I was forced to forfeit. I lost the game despite having taken the time to win it. So, it might push some to take advantage of their fluctuant Internet. The point being : I do not know. I have no control over them, and I am sure they mean no harm to you. In the contrary, you have control over yourself, though, and how it affects you.

In any case, you cannot know if they do or do not learn as much as you do from the match, so I will not even take the time to consider a refutation.

Clearly, it seems, you have taken it way too personally and should walk away from the game for a few hours.

Some activities in nature are great to help release oneself from our stressful lives.
One, Waste of time? That's probably the reason your deserting a game mid-match. Slow down take some time, what's the rush? Secondly, by deserters, i mean those "lost connection," types. Yes, there are legit reasons for this but come on we know you quit on purpose. Third, there is a pass button, utilize it if you want to withdraw.
There was actually a suggestion (which I follow to some point) to not give people a "good game" if you pass while loosing and your opponent still continues to play. Similar if I see I will loose I just forfeit the game. "Connection lost" on the other hand is probably just that, why would I quit the game or shut down my internet connection if I can just forfeit?
Oh whoopdeedoo, another thread on people who forfeit.

Most people will pass or just forfeit when they know they cannot win.
That does not mean they should be punished.

In casual, what does it matter?
and in ranked its in their best interest not to quit early on, but see it though until they know they cannot win.

vandalmags;n7549110 said:
One, Waste of time? That's probably the reason your deserting a game mid-match. Slow down take some time, what's the rush? Secondly, by deserters, i mean those "lost connection," types. Yes, there are legit reasons for this but come on we know you quit on purpose. Third, there is a pass button, utilize it if you want to withdraw.

  1. If you are on a thigh schedule, it is better. I do not pretend to be one of those ; I am only saying the obvious that some people might want to rack up the most games in the most efficient way. It is quite understandable, especially if you are a parent with a lot of responsibilities, working multiple jobs or whatnot.
  2. Then, there is nothing more to say on the matter and the subject is a bit superfluous. It would be probably checked at, the problem of forcing the player to forfeit if the connection fluctuates even so slightly. It should help resolve the “problem”. Nevertheless, one might consider that if you have a legit reason to do something, you are in some way doing it with a purpose, is it not ? In any case, it is probably done with no harm intended.
  3. Well, that is what I do. It is not what everybody want to do, obviously. I do not feel alienated when they forfeit, so I just do not mind. It might be rude and be intended as such at times, but there is a lot of things rude in life and I do not get upset about it at every chance I get. There is also the possibility they do it with no ill intent and if you start to act punishment on those, you are committing an injustice.
It is bad for the heart to get too caught up with such things. Let’s it slide. The game is fun and it is only a subset of the player base that act in way that annoy you.
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