The New Open Beta Patch Information Thread

The New Open Beta Patch Information Thread

Twitch Video Stream:


Closed Beta Rewards
  • Classic Geralt Avatar
  • Pioneer Title
  • Premium Geralt Card
  • An avatar border based on your ranking
  • A new title based on your ranking
  • Faction abilities removed (a new veteran ability on certain cards replaces this)
  • Leader cards earned in tutorial quests
  • Additional mulligans between rounds
  • Every card has a premium version
  • Added keywords
  • Can lock ambush cards: they retain strength but lose abilities
  • Can toggle simplified/detailed text description in settings
  • Can mute opponents' emote in settings
  • Leaders spawn themselves on the board (strength + ability); all leaders are Doomed and Relentless (keywords below)
  • Gold cards are always unaffected by abilities (less tooltip text)
  • New currency Meteorite powder to upgrade cards to premium
  • New avatars with voice lines including Yen, Triss, Imlerith, Iorveth, W1 Geralt, Ciri
  • New trinket screen to purchase trinkets, e.g. avatars, titles
  • New rewards screen to see all rewards, e.g. daily rewards, season rewards, level rewards
  • Rewards have been changed
  • All starting decks reworked; start with 6 silver and 4 gold cards
Keywords are now explained when hoovering over a card:
  • Deploy: if this unit enters the board, do the following
  • Orders: if leader activated: do the following
  • Effort: if the ability is activating: do the following
  • Brave: if losing: do the following
  • Weaken: base damage to units
  • Boost: increase unit's strength by X
  • Strengthen: increase unit's base strength by X
  • Armor: resist X amount of damage
  • Deathwish: if this unit dies: do the following
  • Resistant: new keyword for weather immunity
  • Clash: if neither players passed: do the following
  • Doomed: banish/exile when it dies
  • Reload: ?
  • Promote: ?
  • Bond: ?
Weather Changes
Biting Frost
  • Special
  • Apply Biting Frost to a row
  • Biting Frost: Turn Start: Damage Units on the row by 1 (gradual damage)

Impenetrable Fog
  • Special
  • Apply Impenetrable Fog to a row
  • Impenetrable Fog: Turn Start: Highest Unit Damaged by 2

Torrential Rain
  • Special
  • Apply Torrential Rain to a row
  • Torrential Rain: Turn Start: Lowest Unit Damaged by 2

Merigold's Hailstorm
  • Special
  • Damage all units in a row by half their power (rounding down).

Ragh Nar Roog
  • Special Gold
  • Apply Ragh Nar Roog to all rows on your opponent's side.
  • Ragh Nar Roog: Turn Start: Damage the Highest Unit on the row by 3.
  • Special Gold
  • Resurrect a gold unit from either Graveyard.

  • 10 Agile Gold
  • Deploy: Brave: Strength self by 2

Bloodcurdling Roar
  • Special
  • Destroy an Ally. Spawn a Bear.

Quen Sign
  • Special
  • Choose a Unit in your Hand. Give all copies of it in your Hand and Deck a Shield and Boost them by 3.

Arachas Venom
  • Special
  • New name for Manticore Venom
  • Damage 3 adjacent Units by 4

  • Special
  • Damage 3 adjacent Units by 2 and remove Resistance from them.

Swallow Potion
  • Special
  • Boost a Unit by 9

Royal Decree
  • Special Gold
  • Play a Gold card from your Deck. Shuffle the other's back.

Summoning Circle
  • Special
  • Spawn a base copy of the last Unit that your opponent played from their Hand

Alzur’s Double Cross
  • Special
  • Strengthen the Highest Unit in your deck by 2, then play it

Geralt: Igni
  • 4 Agile
  • Unchanged

Cyprian Wiley
  • 7
  • Deploy: Weaken a unit by 3 or destroy an Ambush Unit

King of Beggars
  • 15
  • If you are winning, Weaken this Unit enough to tie the round or to a minimum of 5 base power

  • 10 Gold Loyal Agile
  • Now neutral
  • Deploy: Clash: Draw 2 cards (including golds) (for both players)

  • 3 Agile
  • Spawn priority changed; won’t work with Vilgefortz anymore

Yen: Con
  • 4 Gold Agile
  • Unchanged

Regis: Higher Vampire
  • 4 Gold Agile
  • Now split into 2 separate cards
  • Deploy: Consume a random bronze unit from your opponent’s deck.

  • 5
  • Deploy: Summon Eskel & Lambart.
  • Brave: Strengthen self by 1.

Stammelford's Tremors
  • Special
  • Damage up to 8 random Enemies by 2.

Dimeritium Bomb
  • Special
  • Demote and Reset 3 adjacent Units.
Nature's Gift
  • Special
  • Play a Special card from your Deck. Shuffle the others back.

Dennis Cranmer
  • 7 Agile
  • Resistance
  • Turn Start: Boost adjacent Units by 1.

  • 7 Gold
  • Orders: summon this unit

  • 5 Disloyal
  • Ambush: Spring when a unit appears on the opponent's side and Damage it by 5."

Elven Mercenary
  • 2 Disloyal
  • If this unit is spying move it to your side after you play an Ambush unit.
  • Deploy: draw 2 bronze special cards. Play 1 and shuffle the other back

Dol Blathanna
  • ?
  • When you play special boost self by 1 from wherever

  • 2 Disloyal Gold
  • Deploy: Play a bronze special card from your deck, then spawn a copy of it.

  • 10 Gold
  • Deploy: You may resurrect a special card from your opponent’s Graveyard. Effort: Weaken self by 4
Leader: Morvran Voorhis
  • 6 Leader
  • Reveal up to 3 cards from either player’s hand

Leader: Emhyr
  • 3 Leader
  • Return an ally to your hand, then play a card from your hand

Leader: John Calveit
  • ? Leader
  • Look at the top 3 card from your hand, and play 1

Peter Saar Gwynleve
  • 6
  • Deploy: Reset a Unit. If it's an Ally, Strengthen it by 4. If it's an Enemy, Weaken it by 4.

Impera Enforcers
  • 4
  • Deploy: Look at the top Unit in your Deck and Boost self by its Power. If it was Gold, Promote self.

Darlan Foot Soldiers
  • 4
  • When this Unit is Revealed, play it and Draw a card.

  • 3
  • Same ability

  • 7
  • Now targets the card to reveal

  • 5
  • Armor 3
  • Deploy: Set the Power of Revealed Unit your opponent’s Hand to 1

  • 5
  • Deploy, reveal highest unit in opponent’s hand, boost self by Revealed card’s power

  • Special
  • Play the bottom card from your opponent’s deck

  • 10 Gold
  • Look at top 3 from opponent’s deck and put 1 to the bottom

Leo Bonhart
  • 6 Gold Agile
  • Deploy: Reveal a Unit from your hand (including Gold) and Damage an enemy by the Revealed Unit’s power

The Guardian
  • 10
  • Deathwish (when destroyed): spawn 2 lesser guardians at the top of your opponent’s deck (5 power no abilities)

  • 5 Gold Agile
  • Deploy: if Nilfgaard, trigger your Leader’s Deploy ability

  • 7
  • Deploy: Choose a Bronze enemy or a Revealed opposing Bronze Unit and move all copies of it from your opponent's the deck to their Graveyard.

  • 8
  • Unchanged

  • 6
  • Whenever a card is revealed, deal 2 damage to random enemy

Tibor Eggebracht
  • 10 Agile
  • Deploy: Clash: Boost self by 15, then your opponent Draw a Revealed Bronze card.
Leader: King Bran
  • 3 Leader
  • Unchanged (need confirmation)

Clan Dimun Pirate
  • 4 Agile
  • Veteran: strengthen self by 1
  • Boost this unit by 1, wherever it is whenever you discard a unit

Clan an Craite Raider
  • 4
  • Veteran: strengthen self by 1
  • Resurrect this Unit whenever it is Discarded

Clan Dimun Pirate
  • 6 Agile
  • Veteran: strengthen self by 1
  • Deploy: discard all copies of this unit from your deck

  • 7
  • Whenever this unit is discarded or destroyed
  • Resurrect and weaken by 2

  • 6 Agile Gold
  • Unchanged

Madman Lugos
  • 7 Agile
  • Deploy: discard a bronze unit from your deck (of your choice)
  • Gains strength equal to the unit discarded (unsure)

War Longship
  • 6
  • Unchanged

Donar an Hindar
  • 5 Loyal
  • Deploy: Toggle a Unit’s lock. Discard a Bronze card from your opponent's Deck to your Graveyard.

  • 12 Disloyal
  • Deploy: draw 2 cards from your deck including golds. Keep one and Discard the other

  • Special
  • Return a Unit from your Graveyard to your hand, then discard a card

Priestess of Freya
  • 1
  • Unchanged
Leader: Eredin
  • 6
  • Spawn a Bronze Wild Hunt Unit

Leader: Unseen Elder
  • 4
  • Kayran’s ability

Leader: Dagon
  • ?
  • No more first light

  • 6
  • Resistant. Biting Frost effects deal 2 Damage.

  • Changed to a card of its own
  • Replaced by unseen elder

  • 2
  • Boost self by 1 whenever an ally consumes a card
  • Deathwish: summon a Nekker

  • 3 Agile
  • Resilient
  • Deploy: consume an ally

  • 4
  • Unchanged

Vran Warrior
  • 6 Agile
  • Deploy: consume Unit on the right
  • Timer 2: Turn start: consume unit on the right and restart the timer

Grave Hag
  • 1
  • Timer 2: Turn start: unchanged

  • 4
  • Unchanged

  • 5
  • 2 Armor. Rest of ability unchanged

  • 6 & 6 & 8
  • Unchanged

  • 4 Gold
  • Unchanged

Wild Hunt Navigator
  • 3
  • Resistant: Biting Frost. Deploy: summon a copy of a wild hunt Ally (other than a navigator)

  • 3
  • Deploy summon all copies. Crave: weaken unit to 1 (?)

  • 10 Agile
  • Deploy: consume a unit from your hand, then boost self by an additional 5

Gaunter O'Dim
  • 5
  • Deploy: Gamble with the Man of Glass. Success: Draw and play a card. Failure: Your opponent Draws a card. Tie: Both players Draw a card.

  • 6 Disloyal Gold
  • Timer 2: Turn Start: Move the Highest Unit on its row to your side.
Northern Realms
  • Reinforcement [Special]: Play a Unit from your Deck. Then suffle the others back.
  • Foltest [Leader]: Spawn Foltest (2 STR, Siege) [Relentless, Doomed]. Deploy: Boost the Units in your Hand by 2.
  • Radovid [Leader]: Spawn Radovid (3 STR, Ranged) [Relentless, Doomed]. Deploy: Weaken 3 Enemies by 3 and Lock them.
  • Henselt [Leader]: Spawn Henselt (4 STR, Melee) [Relentless, Doomed]. Deploy: Summon all copies of a Bronze Ally.
  • Reaver Scout (1 STR, Ranged / Disloyal): Deploy: Summon a copy of a Bronze Ally.
  • Ballista (2 STR, Siege / Loyal) [Machine]: Bond: Damage a random Enemy by 5.
  • Reinforced Ballista (2 STR, Siege / Loyal) [Machine]: Armor: 2. Whenever an Ally gains Armor, Damage a random Enemy by 2.
  • Trebuchet (Bronze, 2 STR, Siege / Loyal) [Machine]: Deploy: Damage 3 adjacent Units by 3.
  • Field Medic (Bronze, 2 STR, Any Row / Loyal): Deploy: Heal 3 Units to the right and Boost them by 2.
  • Kaedweni Siege Support (Bronze, 3 STR, Siege / Loyal): Resistant. Whenever a Machine Ally is played, Boost it by 3 and add Resistance to it.
  • Reinforced Siege Tower (Bronze, 4 STR, Melee / Loyal) [Machine]: Armor: 2. Whenever an Ally appears, Boost self by 1.
  • Redanian Knight (Bronze, 4 STR, Siege / Loyal): Turn Start: If not Armored, Boost this Unit by 2 and add 2 Armor to it.
  • Blue Stripes Scout (Bronze, 4 STR, Any Row / Loyal / Disloyal) [Blue Stripes]: Resistant. Turn End: Move one row down and, if Spying, Damage the Unit to the left by 2, or, if not Spying, Boost the Unit to the left by 2.
  • Dun Banner Heavy Cavalry (Bronze, 4 STR, Melee / Loyal): Counter 2: Decrease at Turn Start when Armored. Activation: Strengthen this Unit by 4 and make it Resilient.
  • Temerian Infantryman (Bronze, 4 STR, Ranged / Loyal): Whenever an Ally gains Armor, Boost self by 1 wherever it is. Trio: Add 2 Armor to all copies of this Unit.
  • Redanian Elite (Bronze, 4 STR, Any Row / Loyal): Resistant. Bond: Add 2 Armor. Turn Start: Boost self by 1 if under Torrential Rain.
  • Kaedweni Siege Platform (Bronze, 4 STR, Any Row / Loyal): Resistant. Turn Start: Damage all Enemies affected by Weather on the opposite row by 1.
  • Aretuza Adept (Bronze, 4 STR, Siege / Loyal) [Mage]: Resistant. Deploy: Play a random Bronze Weather card from your Deck.
  • Kaedweni Sergeant (Bronze, 5 STR, Melee / Loyal): Resistant. Deploy: Boost a Unit by 3 and add 3 Armor to it.
  • Blue Stripes Commando (Bronze, 5 STR, Any Row / Loyal) [Blue Stripes]: Bond: Boost the Unit to the left by 2 and add 1 Armor to it. Trio: Damage up to 6 random Enemies by 1.
  • Dun Banner Light Cavalry (Bronze, 5 STR, Any Row / Loyal): Resistant. While this Unit is under Rain, Boost it by 5.
  • Reinforced Trebuchet (Bronze, 5 STR, Siege / Loyal) [Machine]: Armor: 2. Turn Start: Damage a random Enemy by 1.
  • Redanian Knight-Elect (Bronze, 5 STR, Siege / Loyal): Timer 2: Turn End: Promote this Unit and Boost it by 2.
  • Reaver Hunter (Bronze, 7 STR, Siege / Loyal): Trio: Heal this Unit and Promote it.
  • Tridam Infantryman (Bronze, 8 STR, Melee / Loyal): Armor: 2.
  • Nenneke (Silver, 2 STR, Siege / Loyal): Deploy: Heal all copies of a Unit and Boost them by 5.
  • Margarita Laux-Antille (Silver, 3 STR, Ranged / Loyal) [Mage]: Deploy: Reset a Unit and toggle its Lock.
  • Sabrina Glessivig (Silver, 4 STR, Siege / Loyal) [Mage]: Deploy: Damage up to 7 random Enemies by 2.
  • Prince Stennis (Silver, 4 STR, Any Row / Loyal): Armor: 2. Deploy: Trigger the Bond abilities of 3 Units to the right.
  • Pavetta (Silver, 4 STR, Any Row / Loyal) [Mage]: Deploy: Destroy the Lowest Enemy on the opposite row.
  • Ves (Silver, 5 STR, Melee / Loyal) [Blue Stripes]: Counter 3: decrease whenever you play a Blue Stripes Unit. Activation: Summon this Unit. Deploy: Add 2 Armor to this Unit and each Blue Stripes Ally.
  • Síle de Tansarville (Silver, 5 STR, Ranged / Loyal) [Mage]: Deploy: Damage an Enemy by 5.
  • Dethmold (Silver, 6 STR, Any Row / Loyal) [Mage]: Resistant. Deploy: Apply Torrential Rain to the row on both sides.
  • Odrin (Silver, 6 STR, Any Row / Loyal): Turn Start: Move to a random row and Boost all Units on the row by 1.
  • Botchling (Silver, 7 STR, Melee / Loyal) [Cursed]: Deploy: Boost a Lubberkin in your deck by 7. Deathwish: Summon a Lubberkin.
  • Lubberkin (Silver, 7 STR, Melee / Loyal) [Cursed]: Deploy: Boost a Botchling in your deck by 7. Deathwish: Summon a Botchling.
  • Trollololo (Silver, 8 STR, Any Row / Loyal) [Ogroid]: Armor: 4. Trio: Counts as part of any Northern Realms Trio on the row.
  • Thaler (Silver, 10 STR, Siege / Disloyal): Deploy: Draw 2 cards (including Golds). Keep 1 and shuffle the other back.
  • Bloody Baron (Gold, 1 STR, Siege / Loyal): Deploy: Trigger your Allies' Bond abilities.
  • Philippa Eilhart (Gold, 1 STR, Siege / Loyal) [Mage]: Deploy: Damage an Enemy by 5, then Damage random Enemies by 4, 3, 2, and 1.
  • Dandelion (Gold, 2 STR, Melee / Loyal): Boost each Ally by 4 when it is played.
  • Dijkstra (Gold, 4 STR, Siege / Disloyal): Deploy: Play the top 2 cards (including Golds) from your Deck.
  • Shani (Gold, 4 STR, Ranged / Loyal): Deploy: Resurrect a Unit from your Graveyard and add 4 Armor to it.
  • Keira Metz: (Gold, 4 STR, Ranged / Loyal): Deploy: Spawn Quen, Epidemic or Thunderbolt Potion.
    • Quen Sign [Special]: Choose a Unit in your Hand. Give all copies of it in your Hand and Deck a Shield and Boost them by 3.
    • Epidemic [Special]: Destroy the Lowest Unit(s).
    • Thunderbolt Potion [Special]: ???
  • Vernon Roche (Gold, 5 STR, Melee / Loyal) [Blue Stripes]: Deploy: Damage an Enemy by 5, then all Blue Stripes Allies Damage a random Enemy by 1.
  • John Natalis (Gold, 6 STR, Melee / Loyal]: Deploy: Boost Allies by 3, 2 and then 1.
  • Priscilla: (Gold, 6 STR, Siege / Loyal]: Deploy: if your opponent hasn't passed, both players Draw a Unit. Boost yours by half and Damage your opponent's by half (rounding up).
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Open Beta Discussion Threads
Okay, so:
  1. Weather does not stack. For example, if you play Fog on a row affected by Rain, Fog overwrites it (Rain disappears and Fog stays).
  2. If multiple cards have the same lowest/highest strength, they are all damaged.
  3. First Light has only one change – it will affect only one chosen row, just like the other weather cards.
  4. Weather damages units permanently. Removing the weather from a row does not restore any strength.
  5. Once a unit is reduced to 0 strength, it will be sent to graveyard.
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Roach also no longer works with Milva. Figure thats worth mentioning.

Patch looks very interesting so far, I dont understand why Morvrans abilty was switched to Calveit though.

Cant way to play with some of the new toys though :D
While the good news is that the text is shortened, I think it is now even harder to understand all these variations :( With the positioning patch I already felt like I am a mathematician and a 45-second turn is not enough for me to consider my best option :(
Hope there will be some easy way to remember all these terms and keywords :(
I am so happy that they finally remove [ changed ] promote ability as well removing faction passive is a great positive move too imo. I saw so many good things in this upcoming patch & I am so exited.

This is going to be whole new gwent :)
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I just have ONE request for developers please don't add "Summoning Circle" card wich plays base copy of last played oponent card, it's ridiculously OP and VERY frustrating behaviour.
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I would really have liked to see how/if they changed Vicovaro Medic. That card alone can completely rape particularly Skellige, but also be extremely oppressive against any other deck. Due to NG having sucked ever since its inception and therefore been unpopular, it hasn't been as oppressive in practice as it is in reality, but I sincerely hope they have changed it fundamentally. Otherwise QG and Bears Skellige is oppressively hard-countered in particular.
RavRap;n8549570 said:
I just have ONE request for developers please don't add "Summoning Circle" card wich plays base copy of last played oponent card, it's ridiculously OP and VERY frustrating behaviour.

I am on the fence on this one. If I play Consume and my opponent copies, say, a Vran Warrior as Northern Realms (for whatever reason, maybe he wants to hold on to his remaining cards), I am fine... But I agree that its potential is problematic, at least in certain match-ups; copying an Ekimmara essentially gives you a big resillience body.

However, it is worth remembering that it is a BASE copy. You won't get a big Clan Dimun Pirate Captain or Dol Blathanna Protector, for instance, as their strength is buffed and not base.
I'm pretty sure that nobody will use Summoning Circle to copy bronze card rather ~epic silver ones like Cyprian Wiley or Uldalryk or Ocvist (I assume this card can't copy golden ones, it would be insane)
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Okay, so I was too busy to watch this, and am still too busy to watch this. But was there really no mention of the campaign mode? I don't see anything about it in the recap.
There was not.. only that the tutorial was totally revamp ..which by the way.. is going to be very cool!

Which was kind of expected because
Marcin_Momot;n8535980 said:
We'll be talking about the details regarding campaign later this year. Right now we're focusing on transitioning from Closed Beta to the next phase. :)

My guess is closer to full release we will start getting details
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It is going to be one hell of a job to balance now that almost every single card will be changed :(
In the past even one problematic card like Mardroeme, PFI or Axegirl always made the community miserable :(
lpredrum136;n8551710 said:
It is going to be one hell of a job to balance now that almost every single card will be changed :(
In the past even one problematic card like Mardroeme, PFI or Axegirl always made the community miserable :(

I was kinda thinking the same thing..just a day prior to the streams can find where i said the Devs wouldnt want to change too much before open beta..
Boy am i still eating those words
Very interested to see what this game will be like come open beta, it looks like it will be completely different. The new leaders and way to get them look like they might be a decent touch, although maybe they could do with more variation between numbers (3-5? woo). No faction passive is also probably a good thing, I'll be interested to see what Scoia plays like now.

So far the new cards we've seen don't really add much. Summoning Circle is only good on Medics, and all the rest seem variations on basic mechanics (draw a card, deal damage, etc.) I'm a bit worried locks are going to be come far too prominent again. We'll have to see what else they have to add. I can't believe they nerfed Geralt though. He's only even 12 now when losing? What is the point, especially when King of Beggars does that better.

As for the old decks, they seem a bit odd. Consume monsters look like they've had a buff, which is stupid (all Ekimmaras are resilient? Who thought that one up? And that new Kayran that is basically giant toad, but then randomly adds 5 strength....why?). Reveal looks like it could be fun to play (nice to see revealed cards can actually be interacted with now). Wild Hunt could be interesting, and the fact that THEY'VE FINALLY CHANGED WEATHER!! I didn't like the complete lack of a mention for elves or neophytes when they were running down Scoia archetypes though. Please don't change Isengrim.

Speaking of archetypes, I hope CDPR don't place too much emphasis on them when they are coming up with ideas for new cards. Same with keywords - what cards like The Operator does is not usable as a keyword, and I'd rather more interesting effects like that. I'd rather players were able to come up with their own decks than be forced into certain ideas. Although whether that's the case is just speculation, obviously we don't know how true that will be until we can play it.
Priscilla Gold - ???
Seriously, Saskia is just a 7 STR golden card which gets summoned when the leader is used?...That's so...useless and boring
Morenn just damages an opposing unit by 5 but she's disloyal herself so you're trading 5 for 5 and a body? What?
Aglais seems too random because the opponent can just not run specials...
I like the new Restore
Avallac'h is Neutral, nice
Ge'els isn't a leader anymore, heh
Kayran nerfed too much
Skellige seems overally ok
Keira and Philippa are way more boring than they were before (Sabrina/Margarita too)

I'm kind of sceptical when it comes to this patch, but we'll see how it turns out.
SkippyHole;n8551980 said:
So far the new cards we've seen don't really add much. Summoning Circle is only good on Medics, and all the rest seem variations on basic mechanics (draw a card, deal damage, etc.) I'm a bit worried locks are going to be come far too prominent again. We'll have to see what else they have to add. I can't believe they nerfed Geralt though. He's only even 12 now when losing? What is the point, especially when King of Beggars does that better.

I agree on both Summoning Circle and Geralt. Geralt being gold is hardly a selling point compared to King of Beggars, because KoB, even if Scorched (Geralt cannot be), fulfills his role much better by ensuring the catch-up and forcing out another card rather than a pass. I wish our signature Witcher was not as underwhelming as he is, even if I can see point of keeping him as an easily accessible go-to Vanilla card. Right now he is just nigh-unplayable.

SkippyHole;n8551980 said:
As for the old decks, they seem a bit odd. Consume monsters look like they've had a buff, which is stupid (all Ekimmaras are resilient? Who thought that one up? And that new Kayran that is basically giant toad, but then randomly adds 5 strength....why?). Reveal looks like it could be fun to play (nice to see revealed cards can actually be interacted with now). Wild Hunt could be interesting, and the fact that THEY'VE FINALLY CHANGED WEATHER!! I didn't like the complete lack of a mention for elves or neophytes when they were running down Scoia archetypes though. Please don't change Isengrim.

Consume is definitely nerfed, hopefully not too much. Ekimmara is basically a compensation for the old faction ability, which got removed, so I don't see the problem here, especially not considering they can also now be locked to negate it. This is a major nerf for any Monster deck.

Kayran is super nerfed and NOT a Giant Toad. Kayran doesn't let you draw a card to your hand, so essentially you give the opponent Card Advantage in order to play a +5 Gold card based off what you consume. I would consider Kayran underwhelming post-patch.

I fear for Reveal. I have in the past advocated that they should remove Reveal as a mechanic because it is hard to quantify and properly balance the immense and nigh-invaluable advantage of knowing your opponent's hand, and right now it looks like they erred on the side of making it too powerful. It remains t be seen how it turns out, but I have my worries about it.

Isengrim is hopefully changed. If not he is an auto-include card in any ST deck running spells.
KasumiGoto;n8552130 said:
Priscilla Gold - ???

To stop the inane Shani ress chain, plus she was so good before that she was a mindless auto-include in any NR deck.

KasumiGoto;n8552130 said:
Seriously, Saskia is just a 7 STR golden card which gets summoned when the leader is used?...That's so...useless and boring

I agree. She was way, way too much before, giving ludicrous point swings, but spending one of your gold slots on getting an additional +7 gold tempo swing is underwhelming. She might have a place in the mulligan archetype they mentioned since I assume you can reshuffle her into the deck and thereby thin, but... I cannot imagine it will be a compelling gold card.

KasumiGoto;n8552130 said:
Morenn just damages an opposing unit by 5 but she's disloyal herself so you're trading 5 for 5 and a body? What?

This puzzled me as well.

KasumiGoto;n8552130 said:
Aglais seems too random because the opponent can just not run specials...

True, but she can nonetheless be immensely powerful, on top of having a decent 6-10 str. body (with gold's point worth being reined in, that is not bad in itself). Imagine re-pulling a restore or a decoy, or a Nature's gift. She can be powerful, but hopefully not an auto-include.

KasumiGoto;n8552130 said:
Kayran nerfed too much

Agree, see post above.

KasumiGoto;n8552130 said:
Skellige seems overally ok

Hard to say at this point. If Letho and Vicovaro Medic remains unchanged, certain Skellige archetypes (such as Queensguard and bears) are more or less auto-losses. I like the changes they made to Discard, yet I am not sure it is enough; aside from boosting Pirate Captains + having more resillient Longships to hopefully generate tempo (if they aren't removed, still in Thunder range), what is the overarching point with Discard? With the new mulligan, decks will be more consistent already, thereby lessening the importance of thinning. With the change to Madman Lugos for instance, how do you benefit from your enormous graveyard other than ressing, which you already could? And with the added prevalence of locks as per their decision to give a strong lock silver to each faction (looking at Donar, they will likely also be auto-include), what is the point?

KasumiGoto;n8552130 said:
Keira and Philippa are way more boring than they were before (Sabrina/Margarita too)

I'm kind of sceptical when it comes to this patch, but we'll see how it turns out.

Agree on both points. Keira needed changing as she was useless before, but Philippa definitely lost a lot of flavour.

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