How was Vilgefortz Loyal to Nilfgaard?

How was Vilgefortz Loyal to Nilfgaard?

As someone who has read the books by Sapkowski, some cards, more precisely, the person on the card, and their effects don't really fit together. Vilgefortz was not loyal to Nilfgaard, same with Leo Bonhart. I like that Bonhart is pretty strong, but the effect doesn't feel like an unbeatable guy with a sword, more like someone who relies on others to be successfull (which he didn't). Also, he was a headhunter, not exclusively working for Nilfgaard.
The list goes on, mostly loyal/disloyal units.

It's really not important to the actual game, but I dislike the term loyal/disloyal in this context.
To those who actually know who the characters on the cards are: do you agree? Does enyone else even care? I actually doubt that lol
Loyal = points to self
Disloyal = points to enemy

I understand what you mean but people asked to fancy keywords and fancy keywords were given :p
How are crones and nekkers related to wild hunt?

And, truth be told, in the witcher universe, apart from blue stripes, I can't really say that "royal" people exist.

Everyone is either coerced or a backstabbing bastard.
If you read the books you should know, he cooperated with nilfgaard at some point.. Also he doesn't fit any other faction, so i don't see a problem here.
Firekangaroo;n8748250 said:
As someone who has read the books by Sapkowski, some cards, more precisely, the person on the card, and their effects don't really fit together.
Madman Lugos would not serve under Crach, Hoog would not lead the Scoia'tael (he actually forbade dwarves in Mahakam from joining their ranks IIRC in the books), Witchers would not be on the monsters faction etc etc. Lore consistency within the card game is not 100% possible.
And here we go with the lore again...
It is a cuestion of game mechanics against canon, where game mechanics are the priority and lore gets a second place. For me is like resurrection spells on RPGs. Why important people die, but we poor low-medium level PCs get resurrected? Game mechanics. Suspension of disbelief will help, my friend.
Firekangaroo;n8748250 said:
As someone who has read the books by Sapkowski

pro tip: the people who care about the books, have read them. and the people who haven't, don't care.
so when you talk about the books, you're either speaking to people who already know or people who don't care, either way, it's pointless and obnoxious.

Noela;n8752430 said:
And here we go with the lore again...
It is a cuestion of game mechanics against canon, where game mechanics are the priority and lore gets a second place. For me is like resurrection spells on RPGs. Why important people die, but we poor low-medium level PCs get resurrected? Game mechanics. Suspension of disbelief will help, my friend.

shroudb;n8760230 said:
really? does it says so in the game and ive missed it? or is it in the books?

From what i could remember from the game, they had connections with imlerith; when they first capture ciri, they want to took an arm out of her for dinner and than handle her to him. Also, remember when you fight imlerith on the game? Yep, he was at the crones "b-party".
Red-Wyrm;n8757940 said:
Speaking of... isn't Letho actually on run from Nilfgard after W2? Why he is allied with them?

Lore questions goes off-topic. That's why I've moved your post to a more appropriate thread. Well, it was originally about Vilgefortz. But okay, still a better place to continue the discussion.
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