What is your f2p ranking experience so far?

I'm playing both a F2P deck (I was in the closed beta) and a custom one at that (monsters) and have steadily risen to the rank of 9 and level 14. Though I've hit a pretty hard wall, that's not f2p its just a limitation of not netdecking against these fully optimized things I'm coming up against now.
Lisandre;n8818990 said:
By the way, got Vabjorn in my "tutorial keg", is he useful? Is it a good idea to make a deck to put him into?

Since the beginning of open beta I've never seen him in a deck and judging from the description he isn't very good but that shouldn't stop you to try and work with this card :)

I started playing Gwent 2 days ago, but played it a lot in Witcher 3 and also played about 5-10 games during Closed Beta. From my experience it's very friendly for new players, especially in comparison with Hearthstone. I played HS for a long time, reached Legend multiple times and quit it because of too much RNG coming into the game. I thought about coming back there, but after new expansions it's hard to get all the cards I need. I would need to donate for a lot of packs or just play bad decks. The amount of donations and RNG there made me try to play Gwent again. And I'm enjoying it now. It's much easier to get cards here, you just need to do daily quests, play some ranked and everything will come after some time.
Honestly ranked will probably be easier for you than casual at the start. In casual I can face 2k+ MMR players fairly consistently.

It can't be stressed how important having a non-starter deck is, however. I FINALLY crafted a real deck and the difference is quite large. I have jumped up from Rank 9 to 11 in the last 24 hours with fairly sparse play.

The starter decks with a few adjustments aren't unplayable, but they will obviously set you back. Just save your scrap, try out different decks, see what you like and then when you get enough (usually around 2.5-3k) craft a deck you have put some time and research into. Until then, ranked is just a tool to get more cards/scraps and I wouldn't worry too much about your ranking.

For example in heartstone u get 0,5-0,7 card packs for daily. in gwent u get 1-3, and becouse game just started a lot from lvls, ranks. In heartstone u wont get any extra stuff like gg reward after each game ( optional but still) plus rewards between daily golas that give u even more stuff.
i think CDP red should reduce that by half and they will stilll be over 2 times more generous then other companies.
give me red point if u agree =D
Moridin2244 i am level 13 rank 11 playing monsters and i am F2P player. Everything changed for the better to me when i crafted kayran amd freightner (game changer one of the best golds in game) I am playing caranthir , caretaker, kayran and geels. I admit i got lucky in kegs as they gave me 4 monsters gold cards ( woodland spirit i dont use) and spent scraps on kayran only.
In truth, I've never played rank. Not too bothered and concerned I'd have to conform to idiocy and hop aboard the douche train. Choo Choo.
Stuck at rank 11. But I did have my account reset and then lost the 40 kegs I had from Closed beta. Struggling to get new cards and it seems that rewards for dailies are not what they once were. Right now I just hover between 17-1800 but can't seem to get any higher. Hopefully my luck will change :)
PandaLin;n8818120 said:
June Patch, the developer just changed milling cost for bronze and silver. You get now 100% more scraps from them. I mean what else do you want? If they were more generous they won't earn any money at all.

Actually we only get 100% back for nerfed cards and for 5 days only.
TheDyingScotsman;n8826870 said:
Actually we only get 100% back for nerfed cards and for 5 days only.
You sure? Last I've heard, this patch will change milling for bronze and silver to 100% more scraps PLUS you get 100% for nerfed cards for 5 days. Both, not one or other.
I milled everything to get my deck now, but it's all free and I am only a card short of what I wanted. Lv11, rank 9, not too bad really.
Never spent a single dime on this game and I am rank 10.. the daily rewards are generous and crafting is easy (unlike HS where after YEARS I still don't have enough dust to craft a legendary)..

And that's exactly why I am about to spend some money on this game.. I want to support it so it won't die..
13 rank now. A bit slow with climbing due do lack of time. Wish I was 16 y.o. again.
Spent some money (about $20) to support the game. Not because I really had too. Just I like the game and I do not mind saying "thank you". They deserved it.
My f2p experience has been enjoyable in the beginning, but has become a nightmare.
As of now, player level 16, started with the open beta, im only facing opponents with far superior cards, and insane combos and decks, against which i do not stand any chance, anymore...
Paying customers obviously farm f2p players in casual mode, which is great for them, awful for free players!

Sure, you can easily draw a card-pack per day, but drop-rates are so awful, that, at some point, you are pretty much forced to spend money to proceed!

At this point, im thinking about quitting the game.

(Dont get me wrong: Gwent is great, and it definitely deserves to be supported.
But, ive already spent 1000s of Euros on other CCGs, im done!)

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It was fun at first but now everyone just has Nilfgaardian which are too op. In my last 20 games , 15 were Nilfgaardian decks. Tibor and Ciri dash combo is too deadly. I am only level 8 in the game .
Im just bored of playing against the same strategy over and over again. How do you expect me to win my daily 6 rounds for a free keg ?
90% of the time I lose is simply because they have better cards. I don't understand why more people aren't complaining about the horrendous p2w that's rampant here. Don't even try to come up with a "strategy" or think you have a chance until you have at least all the gold of the same color and a few silver. Or you'll just run into Rag Nah Roog and lose. Or run into any trio that spawns the others with no effort.
To be honest, I am not going to play ranked until I have the cards I need to climb early on. It is no fun when you are a low level like me at lvl 26 and you do not have all the cards available in your Monster or Nilfgaard decks. When I have them all I will do ranked. But so far I am 3-0 in ranked when I tested it out.
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