[UX] The biggest flaws of Gwent's player experience (outside of gameplay)

[UX] The biggest flaws of Gwent's player experience (outside of gameplay)

I’ve decided to write down and share with you my opinion on some of Gwent’s user experience problems. Hope you’ll find it useful.

  • This is not a complete list (obviously).
  • Those are my opinions, based solely on my experience as a UX designer and gamer, but not backed up by any user research.
  • I’m aware a lot of design decisions may be influenced by Xbox platform limitations, and I try to point that out whenever I feel this is a case.
  • I may not be a very experienced UX designer, but I am an avid gamer and have played a lot of video and card games (and video card games too).
  • This is based on the Polish PC version of the game, so the English names of stuff might not quite match reality =).
  • This does not include first login experience, because I am already an active player. I’ll look into it after the open beta reset.

1. Launching the game

During the time the game loads, before I reach the actual game menu, I have to click through THREE separate screens:
  • “Hi, this is closed beta” with a single “Continue” button. Why do I need to click through this every single time? If this is enforced by some weird legal reasons, at least provide me with a “Never show this again” checkbox.
  • Login screen with “Login” and “Exit” buttons. I am already logged into my GOG account, and I launched the game - why make it harder for me to proceed? While this screen may be needed for console players, can you remove it from the PC version? Or, at at the very least, provide me with a “Always login automatically” checkbox?
  • The progress bar (showing rounds won this day) with a single “Continue” button. While this is an important information, it is displayed too early (since it’s not of interest to all players): it should be shown only after picking one of the relevant multiplayer modes (Skirmish or Ranked).
To sum up, the game should boot to playable state without any additional clicks needed from me after clicking the icon. Why you force me to click through those unnecessary screens is beyond me.

2. The Menu: structure and layout, miscellaneous
  • The “Exit game” button is too prominent, it’s too easy to click it by mistake while moving around the game.
  • On the “Invite a friend” popup screen the closing “x” very small and displayed way outside of the popup. It should be removed, and a “Cancel” button should be added next to the “Invite” button at the bottom of the popup.
  • In the “Single player” section the Campaign tile should be first as the most prominent option there (although I do understand it’s not yet implemented).
  • In the “Cards” section the “Deck creation” should be renamed to “My decks” - since it’s not just the creation, it’s also editing, managing and simply viewing.
  • In the Card Collection, the new cards marker keeps resetting, so every time I open this section I see a lot of “new” cards, and that is simply not true.
  • “Open a Keg” tile should be moved to the "Cards" section from the “Shop” section (it makes more sense here for opening kegs obtained outside of the shop).
  • Opening the “Shop” section should directly open the shopping interface, and a button for opening kegs should be added there (to accompany the previous change).
  • Another solution is merging Collection and Shop into one section, "Cards", with the following tiles: "Decks", "Collection", "Shop", "Open kegs".
  • Similarly, opening the “Options” section should directly open the settings interface, forcing me to click twice (Options>Settings tile) serves no purpose other than annoying me.

3. The Cards (and kegs)

The biggest issue with Gwent is the fact that card layout design suggests it’s an Collectible Art Game, not a Collectible Card Game. While I agree great art is important for a game, and that Gwent really has some gorgeous artwork, I strongly feel you have crossed a line here.

And I’m not saying it just to be mean, I really feel that this is a serious design error that should be fixed. I’ve outlined the main issues below:
  • The basic card layout only includes the following information: Card affiliation, card STR, card colour and rarity. That’s it. Everything else is invisible at first. Which would be fine if Gwent was about cards of STR 8 beating cards of STR 6, or golden cards beating bronze cards, or beautiful cards beating ugly cards, but this is not the case here.
  • Text boxes need to be an integral part of the cards layout, even if it means making artworks smaller. Name (Geralt), optional variant (Igni/Aard - BTW, is it possible to play all three in one deck and have all three in play at the same time? I can’t check by myself, but if that’s the case, it is extremely confusing), traits (witcher, permadeath) and card text should be always (with the exception of thumbnail minatures in hand or in play) visible without me having to mouse over the cards.
  • This is an even bigger problem because the game lacks any kind of battle log. The only thing shown is the ART of the last card played by my opponent. So in order to know what just happened (if I accidently stopped looking at the screen for 5 seconds) I need to learn EVERY SINGLE CARD’S art and text by heart. I really, really don’t want to do that.
  • Another problem here is the fact that a pretty common situation in the game is a card causing a chain of events ended with multiple targets being affected (First Light spawns Rally that summons Trebuchet that hits two targets). But all I am left with is... card art for First Light. Now I know what happened when I wasn’t looking!
  • The focus on art causes the following problems when opening Kegs:
    • For cards with multiple illustrations (like Nekkers), the indicator only shows how many copies of that particular illustration I have - which can cause me to “waste” a card choice on a card I already have a playset (x3) of. You’re forcing me to remember my card collection by heart, and I don’t want to do that. Solution: there should be either only one instance of those cards, but each with a different illustration, OR there should be three instances, each with a different illustration, but capped at x1 instead of x3. A playset is one of each illustration.
    • There is no indicator showing me if I already own the same card in the other variant (regular/premium). Again, you’re forcing me to remember my collection by heart. Solution: there should be an indicator showing count of both regular and Premium versions of a card (if the card has a Premium version, that is).
    • On the side note: crafting a Premium card is much more expensive than crafting a regular one, but destroying it yields the same amount of scraps. This is unfair and should be changed.
  • Another side note (I’ll be writing more about the actual gameplay later, but I feel the Mulligan screen is more tied with the layout than gameplay): the Mulligan screen is horrible. I have to scroll to see all the cards in my hand, I have to memorize what I’ve got, and I have to check and recheck what appeared after replacing a card (and, guess what, memorize it again). Why are you making me do this? Why can’t you show all the cards on the screen at the same time? There sure is more than enough screen real estate! Solution: show the full hand on the Mulligan screen at once.
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Guest 3973540

Speaking of UI, why are you using bold font throughout your long post? My eyes ache.
xiong2mao;n7879650 said:
Speaking of UI, why are you using bold font throughout your long post? My eyes ache.

I have no idea that the post editor made them bold. Fixed that now, thanks for pointing that out.

Guest 3973540

OK. Your post is appreciated. I agree with most except one - let's avoid having textboxes on cards. Some minimum learning curve is inevitable anyway, you will have to learn that Vesemir is a witcher.

I once wrote a long feedback regarding the deck selection menu (here on the forum and directly to CDPR - maybe you should report yours, too, just click on Support on top of the page).
xiong2mao;n7879720 said:
OK. Your post is appreciated. I agree with most except one - let's avoid having textboxes on cards. Some minimum learning curve is inevitable anyway, you will have to learn that Vesemir is a witcher.

Why exactly should we avoid that? While I agree some learning curve is unavoidable, and that good knowledge of cards separates good players from bad ones, I strongly feel forcing the player to memorize the artworks and texts of all the cards is bad design and bad user experience. At the very least, card text should be displayed under the artwork of the last played card (or displayed on mouseover)!

xiong2mao;n7879720 said:
I once wrote a long feedback regarding the deck selection menu (here on the forum and directly to CDPR - maybe you should report yours, too, just click on Support on top of the page).

Thanks for the suggestion, I will do that!

Guest 3973540

Flintberg;n7879990 said:
At the very least, card text should be displayed under the artwork of the last played card (or displayed on mouseover)!
On the mouseover solution we can agree.

Guest 3973540

Flintberg;n7880110 said:
Out of curiosity, why are you against including card text in the card's layout?
A picture is a picture, text is text. It is said they are perceived by different parts of the brain. I love the visual appeal of Gwent artwork and I can't imagine that added text wouldn't make it look worse.
xiong2mao;n7880210 said:
A picture is a picture, text is text. It is said they are perceived by different parts of the brain. I love the visual appeal of Gwent artwork and I can't imagine that added text wouldn't make it look worse.

I agree. But this is not an art game, it is a card game. The most important part of the card, gamewise, is it's text and attributes. Hiding it just because it looks less nice is bad design, because while better looking, the cards are woorse at performing their most important role.

Guest 3973540

Flintberg;n7880240 said:
Hiding it just because it looks less nice is bad design
Let's agree to disagree. I would call text on a card bad design.
I once have suggested a "sport" mode with animations/auras off etc. But if we only focus on the "most important role", why have the artwork at all? Would you more enjoy a game with just rectangles with a card name on it?
It depends on what you call "good design", obviously. In my book, it means that form follows function, not the other way round. But I never said art is not important. I never said cards shouldn't have artwork, or look ugly. What I said is: the most important part of the card during the game is its text (and STR). Hiding the text just because it doesn't look as nice makes playing the game more tedious.
Flintberg;n7880240 said:
I agree. But this is not an art game, it is a card game. The most important part of the card, gamewise, is it's text and attributes. Hiding it just because it looks less nice is bad design, because while better looking, the cards are woorse at performing their most important role.

A huge part of the appeal of Gwent comes from the fact that it is based on the Witcher series. So I think it's good that there is focus on the card art. Besides hovering over the card, will show you it's effect which is fine, and you also see something similar in card games like Hearthstone. And yes, we need to be able to hover over the "last played card" and see it's effect. :)
I hope that the signing in part indicates that you can use the same account from different platforms (GoG, Steam, consoles, perhaps mobile devices in the future too). Solid post, though, very detailed -- was a good read!
Flintberg;n7877130 said:
Login screen with “Login” and “Exit” buttons. I am already logged into my GOG account, and I launched the game - why make it harder for me to proceed? While this screen may be needed for console players, can you remove it from the PC version? Or, at at the very least, provide me with a “Always login automatically” checkbox?

This was discussed in previous UI/UX posts (like here). But the splash screen with Login / Quit is necessary because if the player has not updated (or didn't know a patch was out), the Gwent servers are down, or a player's internet connection is down it allows the UI to be safely closed when it can't connect. It was added around patch 0.8.16.

Flintberg;n7877130 said:
In the Card Collection, the new cards marker keeps resetting, so every time I open this section I see a lot of “new” cards, and that is simply not true.

This is a known bug.

Flintberg;n7877130 said:
Opening the “Shop” section should directly open the shopping interface, and a button for opening kegs should be added there (to accompany the previous change). Similarly, opening the “Options” section should directly open the settings interface, forcing me to click twice (Options>Settings tile) serves no purpose other than annoying me.

Opening Shop and Settings does go directly to their interfaces, unless you mean clicking the menu on top should open those interfaces? Shop already has a button for opening Kegs, unless you have 0 kegs in inventory.

Flintberg;n7877130 said:
This is an even bigger problem because the game lacks any kind of battle log. The only thing shown is the ART of the last card played by my opponent. So in order to know what just happened (if I accidentally stopped looking at the screen for 5 seconds) I need to learn EVERY SINGLE CARD’S art and text by heart. I really, really don’t want to do that

You also have access to the Graveyard to look at card text, but this is also a recurring issue and was discussed here (with screenshot suggestion).

xiong2mao;n7879720 said:
OK. Your post is appreciated. I agree with most except one - let's avoid having textboxes on cards. Some minimum learning curve is inevitable anyway, you will have to learn that Vesemir is a witcher.
Flintberg;n7879990 said:
Why exactly should we avoid that? While I agree some learning curve is unavoidable, and that good knowledge of cards separates good players from bad ones, I strongly feel forcing the player to memorize the artworks and texts of all the cards is bad design and bad user experience. At the very least, card text should be displayed under the artwork of the last played card (or displayed on mouseover)!

I could see adding iconography for keyword terms (relentless, fleeting, etc), maybe on the right side border since the left is already busy enough. However, full text boxes are really only needed during play; but during play is when the cards are thumbnail sized due to sizing and a text box is impractical and unreadable at that size. Everywhere the cards are full size, the text is already available (collection, deckbuilder, graveyard display, etc. - with the notable exception of the "last card" as discussed above) and in the places it is not available, a text box wouldn't fix anything.
I agree that we shouldn't have to click 3 buttons to enter the game. Also there should be an offline access the menus specially after the inclusion of the singleplayer campaign mode. According to cdpr there won't be any relation between sp and mp so we should be given the chance to access the story mode offline. Additionally, the amount of tabs in the main menu can be easily reduced.

On thing that I disagree with is adding text in the cards. No matter how many text they add in the card, it will be impossible to read those text properly without zooming in but in current layout when u zoom in u can see the card description anyway. Adding text will ruin the beauty of the cards completely as the images will be smaller and many detail won't be visible anymore. Card beauty is important for me as I'm into aesthetic stuffs and I doubt I'm alone.
Treamayne;n7884300 said:
This was discussed in previous UI/UX posts (like here). But the splash screen with Login / Quit is necessary because if the player has not updated (or didn't know a patch was out), the Gwent servers are down, or a player's internet connection is down it allows the UI to be safely closed when it can't connect. It was added around patch 0.8.16.

So, this screen is needed if the game is not up to date or the servers are down. OK, that's a valid reason.
Makes perfect sense to show it to me every time my game is up to date and the servers are up, right?

Treamayne;n7884300 said:
Opening Shop and Settings does go directly to their interfaces, unless you mean clicking the menu on top should open those interfaces?

That's exactly what I mean (clicking the menu on top vs. clicking the tile inside the section). Now I need to click the menu, and then the tile. That makes no sense at all.

Treamayne;n7884300 said:
Shop already has a button for opening Kegs, unless you have 0 kegs in inventory.

This makes the "Open kegs" tile in the Shop section even more useless. It really should be moved to Cards section.
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I agree with a lot of the points you made about the UI.

IMHO I really like that the cards are more focused on the art, and I do not want them to change this. It makes sense for a physical ccg to put ability text on the cards, but an advantage of virtual cards is that we do not have to. I really enjoy seeing the full art, and it is easy enough to mouse over the card to see its ability. Including text on the card would cut back on the art and add clutter. The pictures the artists have put together for this game are incredible, and my bank account is praying that they do not start selling posters on the gwent site any time soon.
Flintberg;n7895460 said:
That's exactly what I mean (clicking the menu on top vs. clicking the tile inside the section). Now I need to click the menu, and then the tile. That makes no sense at all.

I rarely use the menus, so I don't think of it as extra clicks. That said...

Flintberg;n7895460 said:
This makes the "Open kegs" tile in the Shop section even more useless. It really should be moved to Cards section.

I would really like too see the "tiles" put into three blocks rather than five. Multi-player, Single-player, Admin (include Deck Construction, Collection, Store and Options here - fold the "Open Keg" button into both the store and the collection screens).
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