Skellige - Djenge Frett - is this a useless card?

Skellige - Djenge Frett - is this a useless card?

I'm trying to play different decks to my usual ST alternatives and am trying Skellige. Working well with both Bears and Clan an Craite. I'm looking at crafting more SK cards and am a little puzzled by Djenge Frett. It just doesn't seem to be a useful card at all. Am I missing something or is it really as bad as I think? I've played against a multitude of SK decks in the past and I don't think I've ever played against this card.
Djenge is designed to a) thin your deck by one card, b) facilitate deck efficiency by giving you the exact card you want.
He works well with a few cards such as beserker marauders or morkvarg.

He is not a completely useless card, but he doesn't justify his silver slot a lot of the time, and there are better alternatives.
Whilst he is not really bad, he is the worst option for SK when it comes to deck thinning and graveyard filling. Moreover, the nerf to Morkvarg & Ciri: Dash have made him even more pointless.
Yes, he isn't the best card to use in form of thinning your deck but I have tried him in a Berserker / Selfwounding / Warcry deck. The only purpose of him is to shuffle my Berserker into my graveyard, since the Berserker is a huge Beast when played near the end of a stacked round (out of the graveyard of course). So I need a little more consistency, since he is one of my win conditions and Djenge Frett does the job. If he wasn't here I would need to use Bran wich would make the deck WAY worse because I then don't have crach for the Warcry synergy.

What I mean is, he is a very tricky card to use and only works in specific decks wich involve 1 card win conditions (The deck needs more than that one win condition tough, otherwise the deck is just not going to be good)

And pardon my english I know it's not the best ^^

But I hope I gave you a good understanding on how this card is intented to be used.
Like Neolgis said he's a combo card for fishing for a card you might not have drawn, he's great for the following :

Pulling Morkvag out of your deck and instantly playing him in round 1 for a 13 point power swing and getting Mork in play, powerful in discard decks as round one you tend to play Pirate, Bran discard 3 Clansmen and then you use Djenge to guarantee you pull Mork.

holding him for a combo the enemy doesn't expect. You're a wound deck, enemy killed and stole your bears and you didn't draw another on the important round, Gremio is in your deck somewhere.
​​​​​​use Djenge to discard Gremio, Sigfredia to rezz a Berserker , Decoy Sigfredia, Rezz Gremio, wound your units, get a power swing ready for the rally.

now obviously there are other options, but Djenge isn't as weak as some think, to me he's a powerhouse in round one that loses his luster as rounds go on in most decks since he presents the opportunity to play a relatively decent early body and have the choice of discard meaning you're guaranteed to always find your Mork and play all 3 clansmen in round 1 as long as you hold Djenge which IMHO is much superior deck fishing than pulling a card with ocvist that you might want and having to choose a discard on something you'd like to keep for later without running the risk of it being stolen from your graveyard.

it's sort of like a Tech against Nilfguard in a way as they'll find your graveyard full of stuff in round 2 that won't be much help.
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