Unable to confirm keg selection

Unable to confirm keg selection

Title seems self explanatory. I have opened a keg and selected the cards I want but I'm unable to confirm my choice. Clicking on 'yes' or 'no' has no effect. I've had to shut the game down and restart; this cancels the opening of the keg and I lose all 5 cards I should have acquired. Fortunately none of the cards were worth much and I already had the full quota of all of them but I am obviously now unable to mill them. Bummer.
Opened card keg, game crashed upon picking 5th card

As title entails, Gwent.exe crashed when I was asked am I sure about my 5th card selection (just happened to be renew (T.T))
Running Windows 10, ASUS with GTX 950m, Intel core i7
Force quit game, did NOT get any of the cards I bought with ore. :( First good keg in a long time. Very frustrating.


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UPDATE: Check if you still have an unopened Keg. When the game crashed on me and I force I did NOT lose my keg and I got the same exact cards in the keg before crash.
Definitely lost the keg. This has only happened to me once but it seems that it has happened to other players. It's not something that's going to stop me playing the game but it is disheartening to have played for hours to get a keg and then have it taken away from you from no fault of your own - and doubly disheartening if (like the posts above) the keg turns out to be a decent one for a change.
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