First Meeting with Letho, Need Help

First Meeting with Letho, Need Help

In this quest I followed Zoltan to forest, killed the arachas, talked to Iorveth and I told him to meet in the elven ruins. Now I try to go to the ruins but Scoiatael wont let me pass. Do I need to fight them? Or was I supposed to go there with Iorveth?

Guest 2081505

Or was I supposed to go there with Iorveth?

Did you find the right location?


Impossible to escape Iorweth at this point.
No on my way to Iorveth in the forest all scoiatael throws their arrow on me. I'm not even near to bath house.

If you are near waterfall
maybe its related to the possible outcome of Malena quest?
Also Scoiatel are very active at night so you could try rest until morning.
If you are near waterfall
maybe its related to the possible outcome of Malena quest?
Also Scoiatel are very active at night so you could try rest until morning.
I havent done that quest yet. But I did as you said, meditated till the sun is up. And I was trying to go there from the west. I took the road on the east of the river. Just one of them attacked me but I passed him. I got there safely. Thanks a lot
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