Claywich merchant bug?

Claywich merchant bug?

I rescued the merchant and sometime later happened to pass by the village. He had quite a few Gwent cards in stock, which I bought, but when I played Gwent with him I only got random junk when I won, even though it was the first time I'm playing him.
I thought winning a match against a Gwent player the first time (if it's not a Gwent quest) would result in a random card as a reward, plus whatever coin was staked?
If you managed to buy the cards from him, no harm done if you didn't get one by playing with him. There's plenty of random card players around, so one bugged doesn't matter.

Also, if you have already collected all available random cards, then you only get junk even if you beat the players first time.
Has a reliable workaround been found for this? I've rescued him, went to Claywich but he's nowehere to be found. Fast traveled to W.O. and back to Claywich but nope.
Other than reload and save him again, I‘m not sure there‘s much you can do if that glitch happened.

You can always try this of course:

Did you save all persons in distress? I heard that sometimes saving the claywitch barber too might help.

Other than that, I don‘t see many options.
Urgh. To think I came across this same problem 3 years ago.
No amount of fast travel, meditating etc worked so I replayed his rescue, and this time he didn't get lost. :D
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