Subtitles still displayed in some cut scenes after turning subtitles off

Subtitles still displayed in some cut scenes after turning subtitles off


I've turned subtitles off under the language menu, but they still display in some cut scenes. For example, the little mini-intros when you load a save and the cut scene at the end of the opening dream sequence. Is there any way to turn these off?

Guest 3823474

Noticed that, too, after patch 1.07. (Maybe earlier, but haven't played in a while.) Stuff is broken. The text language slider on the left side displays "##preset_value_#EN".
Also, and I don't know whether this is new, when I turn EVERY UI element off, there still are the NPC talk icons. So I can't take a clean screenshot even if I go through the ridiculous effort. (And I won't go through the hassle of installing mods. This is something the devs need to get right.)
There are a few cutscenes in the game that are not rendered in realtime and are just video files that are played back. They appear to have the subtitles baked in as it were and thus can't be turned off.
The cutscene you spoke about at the end of the dream sequence is an FMV (you can see slight macro-blocking from the video compression if you look closely) and the same for the mini cut scenes.
You shouldn't see subtitles outside of that though.

Guest 3823474

Yeah, I got subtitles in the load animatic; one where I remember not having them before.
There actually IS a way to disable the subtitles in those prerendered cutscenes.
You'll have to manually edit your config file:
  1. navigate to "C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\The Witcher 3"
  2. open the file "user.settings" with notepad
  3. find the entry "Subtitles" in the group "[Audio]" (NOT the one in the group "[Localization]")
  4. change the line, so it says "Subtitles=false"
If you don't have the entry "Subtitles" in the group "[Audio]", just add these lines to the end of the file:


Now all subtitles should be disabled, even during prerendered cutscenes.
Normally the in-game setting under "Options > Language > Subtitles" won't disable all subtitles, but with this change the subtitles for the following cutscenes will also be disabled:
  • intro movie before main menu
  • loading screens
  • special scenes during story (e. g. when Geralt dreams about training young Ciri and Kaer Morhen gets attacked by the Wild Hunt)
But be warned: this setting completely overrides the in game setting under "Options > Language > Subtitles", so you won't be able to re-enable subtitles by changing that setting. If you want to enable subtitles again, you'll have to go back to the file "user.settings" and change it again:


This way the game will use the in game setting again.
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