Your Thoughts On The Increased Danger Level

Your Thoughts On The Increased Danger Level

If you played version TR037, you'll notice the game is noticeably more dangerous, starting with TR038. Your characters will have a harder time surviving with the addition of various cards, along with rule changes—such as not being able to move if a wound is placed on either move actions.

New cards included new Foul Fates—all of which I think are bad—so your chance of getting Phews are lower, making Bad Fate(skulls) management a higher priority and Fast Travel usage requiring more careful consideration. Your overall chance of getting bad fates seemed to have noticeably been increased as well; or perhaps I've just been fairly unlucky. ^_^

The blue investigation deck also has a few battle cards now, further incentivizing having development cards and developing.

Many—emphasis on "many"—cards have also been changed. One I particularly remember is the red investigation card that tasks you with visiting Kaer Morhen, which now just gives you a red lead instead of a red proof. Many monster cards have also been modified, but contrastingly most have been nerfed and less dangerous. For example, Dagon no longer discards one of your dev cards. Along with the nerfs though, the rewards for some of them were also reduced.

Game feels more Game of Thrones now; with danger around every corner. I'm sure many people haven't been able to play much of TR038 but I'm curious what people's current impressions are on the game. I've only played about 3 or 4 games so far, 1 of which was actually completed. Another player, Lieste, has also mentioned to me that the game is more dangerous now.

TL;DR: Changes in version TR038 has it harder to survive compared to previous versions. What's your opinion on this?
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I've been averaging around 4-6 lost VP per game (without all of them completing) due to foul fate and other penalties. For the first time I was having to manage how many empty 'foul-fate' slots there were ~ as each one overspent is a 2VP penalty, and a single bad card turning up can also rob the leading character of up to 4VP.

The development deck seems more balanced, with some interesting combinations of characteristics (mostly played as Geralt so far, and have come to like Quen:Axii as a combo... if necessary with Medalion:Quen:Heliotrope:Axii)

Yarpen no longer gets "free" investigations from his "command" skill, but rather can convert 'useless' off colour ones into the currently needed proofs... but he can also send "bad stuff" onto other players... or just to give himself breathing room.
Yeah, I should've went into more detail regarding bad fate management since newer players likely don't know that you can lose VP if you get bad fates you can't assign—due to having one on all of your actions. Bad fates tend to beget bad fates, so you need to manage them. When I have to place a bad fate on a third action, that's usually when I place it on actions I'll be using right away and try to prevent loading up my actions with more bad fates.

The key to managing bad fates is placing them on actions you'll be using, so that they don't pile up.

Yeah, new dev cards are nice. Triss, in particular, though her dev cards have always been pretty decent.
TL;DR: Changes in version TR038 has it harder to survive compared to previous versions. What's your opinion on this?

Wow, it is harder. Now we have to overcome the game as well as the other players.

Before it was just a player race, with minimal planning and minimal luck impact. Now it needs thought, some preparation as we go along - and luck can be a real help or hindrance.
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