Where do adventures go on a Mac?

Where do adventures go on a Mac?

I have a user who wants to play my adventures, but he's using a Mac, and he doesn't know where to install them. Back when I was active in Witcher things, Mac users told me that the installation path for TW1 adventures was /Users/<your user>/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/the witcher enhanced edition/The Witcher.app/Contents/Resources/drive_c/users/Public/Documents/The Witcher/, but he says that doesn't work. He says there is no Witcher.app.

So, has the path changed? If so, what's the new one?

I suggested that he search for the location of the file for "The Price of Neutrality," but he says that the Mac version of the game doesn't ship with the additional adventures that come with the Windows version.

Help? Thanks!

hey Cory . How you been ? Might try this for your friend .
username/Library/Application Support/com.cdprojektred.TheWitcher/GameDocuments/The Witcher
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