Recent content by Haradeas

  1. H

    Cannot Use my Mouse Properly Because the Game Shows the Xbox Keybinding

    Fixed the problem by restarting the game 4 times. For some reason the 4th time everything went back to normal O.o
  2. H

    Cannot Use my Mouse Properly Because the Game Shows the Xbox Keybinding

    Played the game for month a lot (5 hours a day) and never had a problem. Till today, now my cursor doesnt appear when the game is loaded, the button of "continue" changes weirdly into an "A button" and back when I move my mouse... Clicking the mouse still lets me continue but when I wanna click...
  3. H

    When will finally this event end of getting the same side cards? (sick of it)

    At the start it was fun, but now it is frustrating as hell. I only get cards from a box from the side I choose for the event, which I get. But man I am happy when this crap is over. I discourages me to try other factions and I get doubles like mad now...I dont wanna open boxes anymore now...
  4. H

    GWENT Public Beta now available!

    Thank you! ^^
  5. H

    What happened to our scraps and crafted and scraped cards?

    I quote from the website considering what we get after closed beta: "Since Public Beta will mark a significant influx of new players, we want everyone to start on equal ground. That’s why we need to reset everyone’s card collection (fear not — we’ll give you back all the Kegs you purchased with...
  6. H

    GWENT Public Beta now available!

    Where can I find the patch notes?
  7. H

    BUG Uldaryk ?

    Ah yes ofc, although not sure if it killed the highest. But will check if it happens again ^^
  8. H

    BUG Uldaryk ?

    BUG Uldaryk ? If you ress a creature, it drops on your side of the battlefield If you ress a buff spell, you can play it on your side of the battlefield But if you ress a "scorch" from the enemy graveyard, the spell goes off instantly on your side of the battlefield... is this intended? Cause...
  9. H

    Bug causing instant lose

    Bug causing instant lose When you start a match and get the option to get 3 cards and discard 3 cards, if you discard the last card on the last second before a match begins, you instant loses. Kinda a huge thing ;3 Cheers :)
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