Recent content by prooist

  1. P

    New Game+ is coming it seems

    Sorry for being stupid. What is NG+?
  2. P

    [Mega SPOILERS] Immersion Destroyer.

    I'm positive that they do read the thread and take the suggestion into their hands, but we'll never know if our suggestions are being implemented into the game for sure.
  3. P

    [Mega SPOILERS] Immersion Destroyer.

    wow, you just hit every single thought I had in my head, I don't really care about the characters, but changing the soldiers and such would be awesome!! this could also be done with mods, but I'd rather see something officially done.
  4. P

    After the Game Ends - The What Happens Next Thread

    After the Game Ends - The What Happens Next Thread is there a mod out that changes the armies in novigrad and the world after you complete the different endings? in my case nilfgaard wins and radovid dies, is there a mod for htis since they didn't add iti n the game?
  5. P

    School items - Ruining exploration and economy?

    Off Topic: What is the difference between Ursine and Feline?
  6. P

    do you get less xp for quest completed if you play on a harder difficulty?

    do you get less xp for quest completed if you play on a harder difficulty? I play on Death March and I've got a question about XP. Do you get less XP by completing quests when you're on a harder difficulty or not?
  7. P

    [Mega SPOILERS] Immersion Destroyer.

    Can somebody tell me at which point I should save my game? I do not want to progress the ending until they do something about it, this is my second playthrough so I'd love to know a good point to make a savegame.
  8. P

    [Mega SPOILERS] Immersion Destroyer.

    I found another thread that is very similiar to this one, seems like a lot of people are sharing their thoughts about this.
  9. P

    [Mega SPOILERS] Immersion Destroyer.

    I agree, replacing the soldiers clothes would give me my immersion back. I just can't live with the fact that I took out Radovid and his armies are still running the streets.
  10. P

    [Mega SPOILERS] Immersion Destroyer.

    I assume this is a straight up "no"?
  11. P

    Finished the game-Things that bothered me and things i expected

    I agree with you, after the ending all the immersion is gone, nothing changes, you just get reverted to a previous chapter with no consequences of your actions. It is a shame, I'd love to see my consequences live & actually visible, like seeing other guards and such patrolling through Novigrad...
  12. P

    The big dead world after story.(spoilers)

    You just read my mind! This is all they needed to do in order to make the world not feel as empty as it is right now, replacing the guards and such. Instead we're stuck with no changes, and only sidequests to pursue with the same dull-world.
  13. P

    [Mega SPOILERS] Immersion Destroyer.

    If they fix the dissapearing characters, and add them back with interaction, Ciri should be on this throne; Would be awesome to interact her that way, if you get the Empress ending though. :D
  14. P

    [Mega SPOILERS] Immersion Destroyer. I've sent a couple of questions before, they do indeed answer.
  15. P

    [Mega SPOILERS] Immersion Destroyer.

    You should probably hit their facebook site aswell, I believe they answer every message that gets sent out to them. :)
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