Recent content by silverlykos666

  1. silverlykos666

    Update 2.1 Patch Notes

    Looks good and hopefully nothing breaks from this latest patch. I hope in amongst all of that they have fixed the enemies detecting you even after you have silently killed and moved bodies from view.
  2. silverlykos666

    Really big Thumbs Up for CDPR with 2.1... however...

    With PL being more spy/assassin based it would be good if this can be carried across all missions, so that if you kill someone silently, that afterwards you are not then hacked by someone in the area that has not seen you or make it so that hacks can be used as covert the same way weapons can...
  3. silverlykos666

    Gangs Coming after V in 2.1

    It would also be good if they managed to change it so that if you take someone out you are not then hacked by others, despite no one seeing you do the deed.
  4. silverlykos666

    Why even bother with choice? (Phantom Liberty spoilers)

    I have just finished the main story of PL and was actually pretty disappointed by it all. The selling point of PL was that it was going to be more spy/assassin based but seemed very rushed with only a couple of stealth bits, it's a shame because it could have become something very good and long...
  5. silverlykos666

    What's coming in Patch 2.02

    So just read through this thread and from what I have played I haven't really run into any major issues, yes the game crashed once and the lighting could be tidied up a little more. I have found the driving is still not good, most of the time it's like driving on ice. But otherwise really...
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