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  1. M

    (Bug) player switched factions during ranked match

    round 3 started and other player switched from SK to NR. we were both SK until then. got an error message, client or server error, it went by too fast to be sure. match ended after other player tried to play a card. strange bug to be sure. edit: fairly certain the client switched players as...
  2. M

    PSA: Thronebreaker cards cannot be crafted (W/O Owning Thronebreaker?)

    many thanks, makes sense now.
  3. M

    PSA: Thronebreaker cards cannot be crafted (W/O Owning Thronebreaker?)

    when I select the premium version card to craft there is no option to craft/mill or transmute. also, the standard version shows 0 for the transmute option. I have plenty of resources. I milled the standard version thinking there was a duplication issue but nope. any idea what's going on? thx...
  4. M

    what is the food and drink number on bottom right of cards?

    many thanks, will do (y)
  5. M

    what is the food and drink number on bottom right of cards?

    can't figure this one out... thx
  6. M

    xp reward screen not rendering

    not sure about the mission reward however, I rebooted my PC and everything was working fine. prob was on my end it seems. thx
  7. M

    xp reward screen not rendering

    after match the rewards and xp screen is showing an infinite circle. both casual and ranked. rewards seem to be granted tho, including scraps. also, have tried to play 2 arena matches and both times at the card loading phase the match bugs and ends. second try with arena the game crashed as...
  8. M

    How necessary is Ge'els for Dagon Hybrid Consume & how good is deck in ranked play?

    here is a fairly standard nekker consume list. as you'll be buffing nekkers for late game points you might want to add nekker warriors. they are 7 str cards now so you don't lose much tempo. the problem with nekker consume in ranked is it's easy to shut down the nekker res chain. waiting till...
  9. M

    someone explain Draugr to me.

    just wanted to add, Draug is a good card now. also, consume and deathwish work well together (like wildhunt and weather). this is an old list but a decent starting point maybe. as some consume units have a deathwish it makes unseen elder a better choice imo. leader - unseen elder golds -...
  10. M

    Gwent Tracker in Pro Ladder

    pretty sure the qwent tracker guy will need to re-code the app to recognize pro-ladder. as PL just started today give it a few days and then check the website for an update.
  11. M

    Any Good Deck friends ? [ New Patch ]

    sure, here ya go. leader - king bran gold - madman lugos, cerys, ... your choice on the other 2 silver - donar an hindar, sigrdrifa, marigolds hailstorm, decoy, olgierd, morkvarg. bronze - pirate captains x3, clan dimun pirate x3, priestess of freya x3, war longship x2, an craite greatsword...
  12. M

    Best leader and why for a monsters deathwise archetype

    1 - of the 3 monster leaders, unseen elder is the best choice imo. and the new cards have made the deathwish archetype much better but it's still a work in progress. 2 - you're right. but dev's have said new leader cards are on the way. hopfully a deathwish leader will be one of them. 3 -...
  13. M

    Any Good Deck friends ? [ New Patch ]

    Discard is still very strong post-patch. SK has always been a bit slow to build points round one (depending on the deck build your running). but I've had good results in ranked against all the factions current decks.
  14. M

    Transmuting Multi-Art Cards Fails (e.g. Queensguard)

    many thanks for the fast reply and will do.
  15. M

    Transmuting Multi-Art Cards Fails (e.g. Queensguard)

    Bug - Transmute/Wild Hunt Riders I have tried to transmute the wild hunt riders (all 3) twice now and they keep reverting to the 'left facing' rider. (riders face left, center, right). I tried crafting the premium 'center' rider and transmuting as well (triple checked I got it right btw) and at...
  16. M

    BUG: Mill Spare Cards Has Wrong Value

    I had this happen too, however, I had the extra cards in my collection and built a new deck which grabbed some of the extra cards. as they were in a deck auto-mill would not mill them. I removed from the decks all the cards in question and auto-mill worked fine.
  17. M

    Brave Ability Does Not Trigger

    Bug - Brave/Strengthen monster challenge # 6. Chort and Geralt will not buff when deployed. have had this happen with Geralt for both the regular and Premium version. bug is intermittent but mostly does not work as intended. otherwise, some awesome work on the new decks and other changes...
  18. M

    Bug - nekkers will not respawn

    if Cyprian is played then yes... that's what happens. but no Cyprian was played in my case. the game bugged out when I consumed Nekker with Eikimmara.
  19. M

    Bug - nekkers will not respawn

    Bug - nekkers will not respawn when I use Eikimmara to consume a nekker it will not respawn. have had this happen 2 or 3 times over the last few days. no locking was involved and had several nekkers in my deck. have not been able to duplicate this bug... seems random. can't remember if this...
  20. M

    Are Witchers better to use over Crones in consume list?

    many thanks for sharing your silver list. have played about 10 casual (testing/practice) matches with the changes and it's easy to see the difference. witchers/crones are still viable of course but the changes you suggested give a lot more options imo. will be interesting to see how open beta...
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