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  1. P

    Patch and Premium Keg Weekend are now live

    I think quite some people think about it that way :D I hope that Thronebreaker won't be a disappointment (including NO bugs) and will give us finally more interesting Witcher lore.
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    Informacja o dacie premiery Wojny Krwi oraz planach związanych z Publiczną Betą GWINTA

    :confusion::what2::angry2::surprised::eredinfacepalm::facepalm2: Nie ale tak na serio: Dobrze że jest opóźnienie. :smiling2:Nie chcę grę która jest niedokończona lub pełna błędami, tylko mam nadzieje że nie będzie drugiego i trzeciego opóźnienia jak z Wiedźminem 3.
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    [KONKURS] Wspomnienie z Wiedźminem - wygraj zaproszenie na spotkanie z okazji 10. rocznicy serii gier o Wiedźminie!

    Bardzo fajna akcja! Powodzenia dla wszystkich które biorą udział w konkursie :cheers4:
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    Crash and fail to close bug

    I just wanted to say that I had the same problem when reporting a few bugs for Gwent. I said in the mails, to please allow zip. files at least, if you want logs from the players, but I didn't get a real response to this. So please, make it possible.
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    CDPR never fixed the clipping with some Witcher armor. A mod is here that fixes that!

    CDPR never fixed the clipping with some Witcher armor. A mod is here that fixes that! It...
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    From Ofier's Distant Shores bug. Possible Spolier

    Yeah, I really hope CDPR steps up their bug fixing for future games, this bug seems still unfixed and I can't believe that it's such huge of a deal to fix a single chest!
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    One update to position them all — positioning update now available!

    I believe I already found a bug: If you unlock a previously locked unit, that had weather immunity, it doesn't get this immunity effect back. Also the "mute opponent" button seems to be missing below the emote-circle if you're playing on Keyboard and mouse...
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    GWENT! The Closed Beta is now LIVE

    Just saw this here. Why is this in the Cyberpunk's News forum?
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    When will the Current Season end?

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    Your face in gwent: The witcher card game!

    $13k. Seems good :cheers3:
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    REDkit - Clarity PLEASE!!!

    Since Cyberpunk is running on the Redengine 3,too IF we should ever get a modkit for TW3+CP2077, I would count it at the release of CP2077 :-/
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    [Lighting Mods] STLM 3.0

    I saw this comparision screen on reddit and so this might be the first Lighting mod for TW3 that I will actually use for my 4th playthrough :D Couldn't see any "bad spots" under rainy/dark circumstances: From left to right: (Vanilla / Sword of Destiny Trailer / STLM 3.x)...
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    [GERMANY] - Deutsche Hexer Taverne: Klein Mahakam

    Jo. Nachdem ich TW3 3 mal komplett durch habe, bin ich nur noch selten hier aufm Forum :-/ Wer von euch spielt in der Gwent Beta? :D
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    Am I the only who thinks this is way worse than the original gwent?

    I was afraid of such comments right when The Witcher 3 was released in May 2015 and people were asking CDPR for a Standalone Game! It seems like some people don't understand the difference between a sp minigame and a full MP oriented Cardgame... Sure it's way more complicated and is harder than...
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    What the actual heck is going on with first round coinflip vs scoiataels?

    Even though I'm over level 40 in the beta, I'm not really sure :D But I think, that it's also working on silver cards, since my cow always gets buffed to 2/3,too ;-)
  16. P

    2 rows of cards when mulliganing (is that a word?)

    I agree that sadly CDPR, in general as a company, goes for the "Let's make a Console UI and inventory etc." and when we are ready, we will see how that will look on PC. You can see that at every presentation since Witcher 3's pre-release phase, all devs on livestreams,videos, were playing with a...
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    Patch Topic.

    I hope to see the following fixed/patched soon,too: -Monster Leader ability too random/boring with "Geralt turn 1 + pass" etc. -Philippa Eilhart: Seems way too strong for me. You can have 4 Golden Cards with 8-12 atk. each in one row and your enemy just plays her and wins the game. Either...
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    Not close as good as the orginal gwent

    "i wish there was an option to turn on legacy music. i really am not a fan of the new tracks. they're not bad, but they definitely don't get me pumped." Quote from a guy on reddit. I have to fully agree on this. Please CDPR, if you don't like the tracks from the minigame Gwent, at least give...
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    Unfair beta key system?

    I just wanted to say it worked "fair" for me. I was signing up for the beta as soon as Mr. Monnier showed the Homepage for the beta registration for the very first time on the E3 stage. So I should be one of the first people that signed up and I also got my beta key in the first Wave, so...
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