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  1. Harvilt

    Stuck on Loading Screen

    Constantly encounter this bug since the last patch, at first the reinstall worked then it happend again had to restart the pc and worked, sometime just restarting GOG works but yesterday I never got it working today it miraculously work but as of right now the bug appeared for the 6th time and...
  2. Harvilt

    Multiple Match Defeats Due to Client Error [Rope Bug]

    I'm here to report the exact same Issue, it has happend to me 3 times by now 2 in ranked and one in casual after roping no matter what the turn does not end properly and I get the auto-defeat due to a client error.
  3. Harvilt

    Addressing the no XP Glitch

    Killing monsters and most of the question mark exploration sites do give exp i.e the abbandoned sites. At lleast for me monster nest and abbandoned sites are givin me exp. Hidden treasure quest that start by reading a note are not giving me exp at least most of them. I suggest you to save before...
  4. Harvilt

    Exp bug makes game impossible to play --> cdprojekt please reply

    I guess I'll have to rest from witcher 3 this weekend then. So sad really.
  5. Harvilt

    Exp bug makes game impossible to play --> cdprojekt please reply

    I hope they release a hotfix at least for this issue since its affrcting most players and making the game unplayable.
  6. Harvilt

    Exp bug makes game impossible to play --> cdprojekt please reply

    Well this explains everything. I was wondering why I wasn't leveling up, I hope the fix for this particular issue comes fast if not the game is gonna be unplsyable for too much time.
  7. Harvilt

    Key binding.. is that a troll ?

    Can someone help to rebind wasd into numpad 8462 and space into numpad intro/enter using autohotkey? I've never used it before now I'm kindda lost
  8. Harvilt

    Direct3d 9 initialization error

    Direct3d 9 initialization error First of all sorry if its a repost but I can't find anything about this. Im getting this error while launching TW2EE, the error pops up and if close the wondow error everything seems to run normally but the windows taskbar gets stuckked at the bottom, what cna I...
  9. Harvilt

    Working with Steam and Steam Issues

    Hello this might seem stupid at this moment but I recently bought a new laptopt and wanted to try TW2EE I installed it and everything but the game is crashing after the medallion disappear on startup. I've played the game on my desktop PC with no problems, though I can't recall if I had this...
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