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  1. M

    Reavers Must Be Nerfed Immediately!

    With the weather nerfed consume decks works a lot better now.
  2. M

    Reavers Must Be Nerfed Immediately!

    They are strong but pretty much only thing they right now have. Force opponent to use them R2 and he cant do anything last round.
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    Should Cards That Were Indirectly Nerfed by the Weather Changes Be Fully Refundable?

    I can actually believe that now. Got to 3600 MMR and the mmr gain is insanely low. ~25 per win is pitiful amount so reaching 4k will take time.
  4. M

    Gigni or Scorch?

    More like "*sigh* not again" It's pretty much spell'tael. They lack units so if opponent keeps throwing out units R1 instead of pass that deck will loose.
  5. M

    Was there supposed to be only 3 days to mill the ruined cards?

    It would have been fine if timed for weekend. Sadly, it was not.
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    [Incorrect MMR] No Reward for Leveling up or Winning Ranked

    You can still rank up. I noticed the rank points shown in leaderboard is correct. Just ignore the end screen date, it's insanely unreliable.
  7. M

    Share Your Weird/Unusual Matches

    I actually won against spell'tiel thanks to last draw being Arachas. Gave me 9 point pull that gave me win. And yes, some people still seems to try make spell'tiel work.
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    Take those sniper rifles away. [Bears and Lore]

    Then how about Temerian Infantryman :D
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    CDPR, show us how you can legitimately use the monster deck to counter against NR.

    Got to 3600 MMR and Crones have saved me a lot of times. Winning round 1 is insanely important to get last play with Grave Hag and that 20 point swing + deck thinning allows me to charge trough R1 in order to fast pass R2 with boosted Nekker.
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    Take those sniper rifles away. [Bears and Lore]

    Yeah, because dragon slaying Reaver Hunter armed with axe makes sense on siege range.
  11. M

    Weather post patch

    :facepalm: No, just NO. Clear sky has no value and with rally you will pull 1 RANDOM bronze from deck. It is 2 bronzes with value of 1 that you can't even choose. With 3 clear skies you will waste 3 card spots in order to pull 3 random bronzes with no boosted value at all. Look at any...
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    Unseen Elder on Nekker

    Unseen Elder on Nekker I noticed that if you only have Nekker on board and use elder to eat it you can only eat once even though another Nekker will appear on board. Is this intended?
  13. M

    Weather post patch

    Only way to clear gold weather with bronze is clear sky and you can only have 3 of those. They also add no tempo so the trade is -6 without gaining any card advantage. Also, if there is no gold weather at enemy deck clear sky will loose insane amount of value. If you use bronze weather clear...
  14. M

    CDPR, show us how you can legitimately use the monster deck to counter against NR.

    Silver: Crones, Water hag, Grave hag and Fiend. Fiend obviously for lock/unlock, grave hag for last turn and water hag works wonders vs consume with lacerate. I use Crones to thin deck, high tempo R2 and make obtaining grave hag easier with Ge'el if I have no luck. Planning to add Frightener but...
  15. M

    Any good decks that play Ciri?

    Ciri could work with consume monsters. The main idea is to win round 1 while spamming spiders on own side with Vran and gain card advantage at round 2. If you get last play at round 3 with Grave Hag you can easily get over +20 silver card. Using Ciri on round 2 will make the card advantage a lot...
  16. M

    CDPR, show us how you can legitimately use the monster deck to counter against NR.

    Consume monsters works like a charm now that the weather is gone. Got from 2100 MMR to 3000 MMR in 2 days. Going to find out today how it works in 3K area but I have a lot of trust in it.
  17. M

    Things you have to put up with playing a Scoiatel deck

    Devour monster deck that wins R1 and has equal or more cards than opponent usually means RIP. Seeing Grave Hag pop up as last cards without having any cards just to see it turn into +25 silver card is insane. I once got +15 Nekker to carry over to round 3 and +31 Grave Hag as last card.
  18. M

    Bekker's Twisted Mirror: GWENT Off-Topic

    Uma is my bae.
  19. M

    Autopilot decks/cards need to go

    Did you even read my comment? Didn't include scorch, D-shackle and bomb as I dont have them on my deck. That would mean there are 7 cards to counter it that comes to my mind. Lets add Peter, Sweers, Rot tosser and Twisted Mirror. That makes it 12. Then lets add ANY unit that can deal damage. I...
  20. M

    Xarthisius-Treason Combo bugged?

    If ~4 non-gold cards out of 305 can interact with Gold card it most definetly should not be. How is it guessing if it's literally written "Can be gold" if it can target gold? This would add insane amount of unnecessary text on cards that becomes obvious after couple games.
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