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    Price of Thronebreaker?

    Will console players be able to play the SP campaign too? Or, is it just for PC players?
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    How many people will stop playing the game based on new changes?

    The ones who have a problem with the new patch are the ones who now actually have to think out their plays to win the game. With all things new you need time to adjust and get to know the new abilities. I'm quite sure Swim will come out with a new SK deck for all of you to net and win.........I...
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    GWENT: Ask a Dev Discussion Thread

    When the end of season hits, will it be the same rewards and card wipe as the last time?
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    First Look at the New Cards from the Upcoming Patch

    When will CDPR post the official list of new cards and/or air their Twitch stream about it?
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    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    I don't understand the "changes" made to Savage Bear. Yes, you fixed the bugs with him, however I believe he is still way too OP for a bronze card. You mentioned in the stream that you don't want players to have to build decks only around certain archetypes, however in making Savage Bear now a 7...
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    Gwent: The witcher card game hotfix is now live!

    SK is still way too OP! That is all any one is playing now and apparently it will continue. Which is fine, play whichever faction you want, but I would like to play against a variety of factions...not just one. They should've made Savage Bear Silver at the very least.....
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    Savage Bear has Become too Strong?

    I would rather see them become a silver card and keep their strength.
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    Gwent: The witcher card game weather update is now live!

    I am not seeing the meteorite powder added to my account yet. Does any one know when we will receive it?
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    Nilfgaardian Deck Strategies

    Swifty4 (When Letho actually works on ALL rows) With Calviet as your Leader, he an be used to gobble up opposing units. Then Shackles/D-bomb him to bring him back to your side. I'm hoping they will fix the bug on him soon! More often than not he will not go to the opposing range and siege rows...
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    Ambush pretty OP right now

    Voodoocaster13 your comment doesn't relate to my post. Shackles and D-bomb can counter the gold cards, however there is NOTHING set up to counter or defend against the ambush cards. If you know of a counter attack or defensive strategy for the ambush cards, please share.
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    Ambush pretty OP right now

    ST Ambush cards have an unfair advantage There should be a counter attack for the ambush cards. ST can fill their board up with ambush cards and we have no way of defending/countering it. Yes, I understand they are ambush cards for a reason, however it is a huge advantage for ST and in no way...
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    Ambassador > Randomness

    I like the randomness of it. It gives you a chance to have multiple cards buffed especially if your using the combat engineers. It's highly unlikely that your opponent will have more than two scorch cards in their hand at the same time. Not saying that it will never happen, but the chances are...
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    Hotfix for GWENT: The Witcher Card game now available!

    Is this the only change that was made?
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    Cannot play cards in Opponent's Ranged and Siege rows

    4RM3D I have mentioned in an earlier post that it has happened to me several times, even with 2 or more units on the ranged and siege rows. (Which I would only use him if there were more than one card, since he swallows up to 4 cards if placed in the right position.) I have only been able to use...
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    New Update Has made alot of Factions too Powerful

    Sounds like people are grumpy their weather spam does not decimate the board the way it did before the update. I guess, for some, the game is not as fun if the playing field is equal.
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    Cannot play cards in Opponent's Ranged and Siege rows

    Same thing happens with Letho. It worked only once for me this morning and then after that only the melee row on the opposing side.
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    BUG: 'Replace Cards Popup' Stays When Playing Matches (Xbox One)

    No Title Happened to me as well, twice now.
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    The New Patch Information Thread

    What patch was this? I play with Nilfgaard deck and I have not noticed the changes.
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    CD Red Projekt player froze my game after I won!!!

    Seeing as how this was the first time it has frozen up on me, I was a little skeptical. Just wanted to see if this has happened to any other players.
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    CD Red Projekt player froze my game after I won!!!

    CD Red Projekt player froze my game after I won!!! So, I was playing against a player with the CD Red Projekt as their user name. I proceeded to win the game and by win I mean destroy them. Then right before I could get my crowns, reward and XP the game froze up and went back to my home...
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