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  1. StrontiumD0g

    Thanks for the Patch but FSR 3.0?

    Basically just that. I doubt I was the only person hoping that this, which has to be one of the last updates was going to contain legitimate, non modded FSR 3.0 support. Those of us who have used the mod know how we can get RT Ultra on a 3070 laptop in Dogtown with this magic tech. So...
  2. StrontiumD0g

    New Metro Narrative.

    Dear CDPR, Having played the Ukrainian classic FPSs Metro 2033, Last light and Exodus. I'm very dissapointed that you did not make as much of an effort with the Metro narrative in your recent, long awaited Metro expansion. Please make more effort in the future. Best regards. Strontium.
  3. StrontiumD0g

    What does this mean in the PC specific settings?

    PC-SPECIFIC Adjusted graphics setting presets to provide a higher quality setup It's somewhat vague. Does it mean that graphics have been improved and that lower GPU users should reduce their settings? It seems a fair bit slower (Laptop i7 9750h 1660ti, 16gb huge SSD).than 1.52 at the...
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