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  1. R

    CDPR's twitter post made me completely give up on this company

    While I never cared for the Witcher (good game, just not my thing), I thought CP2077 was great, and even defended it at launch. I bought the DLC without looking into it. Then I waited for patches, because surely they'd get around to fixing stuff. Then I saw a particular twitter post from them...
  2. R

    Official Opera GX Browser Cyberpunk 2077 Mod!

    Why would I want this, and why would I want a chromium browser that's not Brave?
  3. R

    FSR 3, when can the community expect it!

    Yes, actually. Making the game prettier is secondary to making the game functional and fun.
  4. R

    F*ck the modern world!

    Things are worse than we're allowed to discuss on this forum. But for a brief overview: look at breeding patterns in the developed world; what classes of people are having kids, and what classes are not? Secondly, look at what happened in the collapse of other civilizations- what were people...
  5. R

    Should the next Cyberpunk have multiplayer?

    No. Good stories and good RPGs are exclusively single-player. Not to mention that if you have any sort of online component, you'll probably want anti-cheat and/or anti-grief measures, which means that modding will be further limited. And it'll require an internet connection. Furthermore, what...
  6. R

    FSR 3, when can the community expect it!

    Yeah, lets request more unnecessary new features, that's totally the priority over fixing bugs and crashes. There's absolutely no way that introducing this stuff will cause any new problems.
  7. R

    Patch 2.12

    So, it's still not worth updating from 2.01? After all this time? Dang.
  8. R

    Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition is out now!

    Really? Ultimate edition for 1 DLC? Sad.
  9. R

    Venus in Furs: I hate it.

    @DjSpyder Thing is, if you don't reply then it's stuck in your to-reply-to list, and flagged as important. It's getting a quest and leaving it. It's worse than just having a quest you're not interested in stuck in your quest log; it's in your phone list, demanding attention and getting in the...
  10. R

    Dogtown entry: if you defeat the guards Songbird's scene repeats without her

    I get that we're not actually supposed to fight them, but.. we can, and so I did. And eventually I won. Turns out, if you do, the game will replay the scene where you talk to Songbird, except she's not there; you have a weird schizo episode. The game remembers that you looked at optional...
  11. R

    Venus in Furs: I hate it.

    I think it's a terribly implemented 'mission'. You get a text from her, and your only two options are "I wanna see your tattoo more closely" (which is obviously flirty), and "Shame, I was starting to like you..." (still somewhat flirty, with the 3 dots, but could be seen as sarcastic). Then...
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