Cyberpunk 2077 - Your Ideas For A Dream RPG

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I say take notes from Dwarf Fortress. I want options, damn it! And personality! And history! I want the world to progress while I'm playing. I want people to react realistically to my presence, not just cowering in a corner, forming militias, lynch mobs, cults, running and pleading, visibly calling the police, asking to join me or join them, the lot. I want unscripted assassination attempts if I'm a gang boss. If I'm a gang boss, i want to build up my empire, my bases, to control my minions, be confronted with difficult decisions and have to lead. If I'm a bounty hunter, drag me into that world. Get arrested, and you will have to either serve your time or break out, or find some other way. Have enemies adapt to my habits and my augmentations. Have new tech completely change the playing field. Have all the world playing against each other. On that note, i may not be able to get to it, but i want to know whats going on elsewhere. Hell, i want to know whats going on here. Newspapers, screens, conversations, brain-dancing with reporters, the lot. It should all effect me. No spectating. Also, have a look at receiver by Wolfire games. If you do guns, may as well do them as they would be, rather then then the automated affair it usually is.

I suppose that's the essence of my post. I want a simulation more then something gamey. I want most people to be smarter then bothering with inefficient, huge and clumsy arm blades. People who have history, reasons and needs. People who have reasons not to be rioting en masse. A city that needs food and water and sewers. One where the acquisition of the vast resources needed is explained. A place where people look wishfully at the remnants of nature. One with a full palette of colors. One which can give me things I've never seen before and may not see again without DLC after months of playing it.

There is, however, one last caveat. As i know little to nothing about this world, and want to transfer that to my character- give me a cryogenics/cloning/who the hell knows but you don't know why you're here and everyone's looking at me str- WHAT IS THAT beginning option. Preferably with much and funny dialogue, along with dispelling of myths on both sides.

Also? Skydiving and Snowboarding.
Important for me are freedom of choice, not only in what way to go but also in how to approach or evade the problems.

I want a fully developed Net, full VR where the data fortresses really look like a Japanese castle, Disneyland, McDonalds or anything in between.
Also, I want to be able as a Netrunner to build up my own customized data fortress to the aesthetics, functions, security and contents I can choose and customize.
Of course, my deck needs to be completely customizable, upgradable and even need to be able to build it from scratch myself, depending on my hardware skills.
Need to be able to customize and create my own software.

We need a home, even if only a cardboard box under a bridge in the Zone. And we need the option to customize and furnish our home and to buy better homes and safe houses at later stage. Homes should be raid-able by our enemies, safe houses should be discoverable by enemies if we are clumsy about hiding them or go there too often without reason.

Vehicles, if they are implemented, need to be as customizable as my character, my data fortress, my net avatar, my home and my clothes.

I want the real threat of going Cyber Psycho if I take too many augmentations and drugs. When I go Psycho, I want to to happen slowly and gradually. But I don't want to notice when it starts, I want to be oblivious of my mental state until it is way too late. I want Cy-Psych related quests that either drive me further down the hole or maybe drags me out of it.

I want a detailed combat system with block/evade/defense skills, hit-zones detailed enough to establish precisely which sub-system in your cyberarm has been fragged, which finger tool has just been electrocuted by the EMP, was it the left or the right eye that got accelerated at 5G to MACH 2 through the back of your skull.

I want a fully immersive user interface. No mini map unless you got the GPS function in your cyber eye, no health bars unless you have a bio monitor, no NPC ID float text unless you have smart-gun or face recognition software in your eye, no Friend-foe recognition unless you have the software for it. No weapons targeting cross unless your view is limited by the occular of your rifle's scope or you are using smartgun systems....I want an optical hud possible like in Ghost in the Shell, where passing my NPC are briefly highlighted, identified and assessed for threat level, possible weapons, etc...IF you got the right implants and softs for it, I want there to be no possible way to know how much a certain piece of hardware reduced your humanity nor how low your humanity presently is, and no cyberware or softs that can tell you...

I want the risk malfunctioning and bogus implants if you buy and install cheap off the black market and go to ripper docs. I want a certain risk that corporate rewarded "licensed" hardware might come with a little explosive loyalty guaranty, I want the risk of infections from bad second-hand implants, I want aside from Cy-Psy also cyberware related diseases like neural perforation (John Mnemonic) or Cyberbrain Sclerosis (Ghost in the Shell: Laughingman). I want the risk of being brain hacked or the option to brain hack others (Ghost in the Shell), I want to see, commit or even suffer soul dubbing (Ghost in the Shell: Innocence). I want emenies to be able to hack my eyes and ears or me able to hack their eyes and ears. I want full-implanted phones to call my contacts undetected even in mid-interogation.

I want to be able to make choices and I want real consequences to those choices. Every enemy I kill should have a consequence delivered to me by his friends and contacts, every enemy I let live should come back to haunt me with revenge attacks, doubted loyalty from my employers, or even friendship offers from the enemy I showed mercy to. I want to be able to avoid lethal situations at the cost of time, expenses, efficiancy and the risk of failing the deadline. I want to be able to just go in guns blazing at the risk of drawing too much media and cop attention to me and my employer, running out of ammo and getting killed.

I want to be able, if I have the right skills, to rip organs, meat and hardware from my victims to sell them to body shops, Zone freaks and ripper docs. The money I get for those goods need to depends on my skill at extracting them, my hardware to preserve them (cool box) and the time between ripping them out and ariving at my fixer. But there should be NO pause of the game flow while I rip the stuff out. It needs to take time, precious time in which I can be found, sniped, mugged, surrounded or otherwise put to death or captured...and it needs to be visible to every NPC goon and cop that I am lugging half a cadaver and bags of second hand chrome through the streets...and the NEED to react to that...

I want every single room in every single corporate tower and every single roach motel and all the building in between explorable. I don't want any facade buildings at all, they all need to be real. I want the dark alleys to be claustrophobic, dark and with plenty places for punks to ambush me or for me to ambush punks or hide from pursuers. I want the people around me to have each their own individual AI personality and be able to respond to what happens around them and what I look like, what visible augs I have and what weapons and illegal goods I show. I want corpses to only have the loot-able items that they would plausibly and logically have, no grinding or killing for loot unless it is a specific NPC who is named in the mission log as carrying mission sensitive items. I want most actually usable loot to be gained from swiping office desks, warehouse boxes and shelves or cupboards in private homes. I want there to be a difference between a 9mm round for a handgun and a 9mm round for a rifle. I want clothes sizes and body sizes to actually matter.

I want additionally to the quest story a separate Free-play mode where there is no quest based story arch but rather a freely choice-dependent development of my life and environment and responses/relations to the NPC around me (Yes, aside form the quest storyline, I want a game mode where I can play the Sims in Night City), where I can decide to just life and survive or take risk jobs to better my situation. I want the option of co-op play over LAN or net-meeting with a group of up to 2-5 friends to form a runner team with instead of having to hire NPCs to do jobs I don't have the skills for (I rather have a Solo friend have my back while I am in the net than a hired NPC and trust a friend Med-Tech than a NPC ripper doc)

I want minigames for picking dumb locks, hot wireing cars and hacking -encryptions, but the net needs to be fully developed enviroment, not a minigame. The difficulty of Minigames need to be depending on the security level of the item and the skill level of the PC.

I want different difficulty levels where the enemies have different levels of intelligence and where combat and skill use are harder or easier accordingly. Those modes need to range from babyface easy with rapid regeneration and instant-heal med kits to suicidal ironman with healing only through medical treatment or implants specifically designed to heal (nano surgeons, etc..), only a single game safe file (which is overwritten every two minutes by autosave, making every single decision count) and where critical damage to a body part can only be healed with expensive limb cloning or cyber replacements. Only in the babyface mode may cyberware be healed through medical attention, in all other modes, it needs a mechanic to fix.

I want to have the risk or opportunity of developing a romance that can bring benefits (slower loss of humanity) or dangers (being able to be coerced to do things, held at ransom, put through humanity eating traumatic events...) and can even gain or loose me quests.

I want a quest system similar to WingComander:privateer where you start out as a nobody without storyline quests, just living your life in the urbs or Zone or whereever your class and wealth (class skill) level allows you to exist, dodging bullets and defaming rumours, heloing your neighbor take out the trash, drinking in your local pub, taking on generic random quests from the freelancer job database on the data terminal........ until one of your travels through town to do one of those mundane jobs lets you cross path with an event or NPC or even a Mr Smith offering you a different job, leading you smoothly away from your normal, more or less stable and peaceful, life into the actual story.

I don't really want much, all I want is the perfect CP2077 dream game that makes me feel like I am actually there..
This game... this game is intended to have bloody character sheets. I smell capability for making missions, and co-op. Make it in-depth enough for this not to be a problem for the GM, and you will have achieved wonders.
This game... this game is intended to have bloody character sheets. I smell capability for making missions, and co-op. Make it in-depth enough for this not to be a problem for the GM, and you will have achieved wonders.

Making custom missions or even storylines that one can upload to a database for others to download and play as optional side quests...that would be a dream
I have been playing Cyberpunk 2013/2020/2027 for about 25 years now. It is my favorite Pen and Paper RPG. I know what I would like to see in the game and some of it may not be possible as of yet, but here it goes.

1) This game should be for mature audiences - Cyberpunk is a dark, gritty game of sex, violence, corruption and psychosis. Language, imagery and auditory elements should represent this. I do understand that this will limit the number of players.

2) No character levels, Hit Points, etc . . !!! Development should be based on skills, stats, contacts, assets and reputation. Reputation should be the closest thing to level.

3) Equipment quality/rarity should not be specially colored (blue/purple, etc . . .)

4) Except maybe in the beginning, contracts (quests) should be available from other players, especially Corporate and Fixer types.

5) If a target gets defeated, the only equipment that drops should be the equipment he was carrying, and if he is carrying it he should be using it during the fight. Also, you should usually have to search a target to pick up their equipment and that should take time.

6) As with the Pen and Paper game a character of any "level" (Reputation) should be beatable by any other character. Tactics should matter more than any other single aspect.

7) The one aspect I believe in is that if a character dies in CP2077, they should be DEAD! I know most PC gamers will disagree with that. At the very least, if you die you should loose everything you had in your possession, and maybe a re-spawn delay of like an hour. Or maybe the higher your reputation the longer the delay - making more advanced characters more careful.

8) Any piece of equipment should be components when broken down. And any piece of equipment found in the game should be capable of being created, enhanced, modified by a tech with the appropriate skills. However, you should not intrinsically know if you are capable of the work, until you try.

I have many other comments and I will add on later.
I have been playing Cyberpunk 2013/2020/2027 for about 25 years now. It is my favorite Pen and Paper RPG. I know what I would like to see in the game and some of it may not be possible as of yet, but here it goes.

1) This game should be for mature audiences - Cyberpunk is a dark, gritty game of sex, violence, corruption and psychosis. Language, imagery and auditory elements should represent this. I do understand that this will limit the number of players.

2) No character levels, Hit Points, etc . . !!! Development should be based on skills, stats, contacts, assets and reputation. Reputation should be the closest thing to level.

3) Equipment quality/rarity should not be specially colored (blue/purple, etc . . .)

4) Except maybe in the beginning, contracts (quests) should be available from other players, especially Corporate and Fixer types.

5) If a target gets defeated, the only equipment that drops should be the equipment he was carrying, and if he is carrying it he should be using it during the fight. Also, you should usually have to search a target to pick up their equipment and that should take time.

6) As with the Pen and Paper game a character of any "level" (Reputation) should be beatable by any other character. Tactics should matter more than any other single aspect.

7) The one aspect I believe in is that if a character dies in CP2077, they should be DEAD! I know most PC gamers will disagree with that. At the very least, if you die you should loose everything you had in your possession, and maybe a re-spawn delay of like an hour. Or maybe the higher your reputation the longer the delay - making more advanced characters more careful.

8) Any piece of equipment should be components when broken down. And any piece of equipment found in the game should be capable of being created, enhanced, modified by a tech with the appropriate skills. However, you should not intrinsically know if you are capable of the work, until you try.

I have many other comments and I will add on later.

Love all your suggestions, especially the strict consequence aspect of death. If you have been working hard to progress your toon then you will use your brain before going in guns blazing...if you just respawn nearby and nothing is lost, then you don't care how often you die or how many mistakes you make.
To the "respawn" option you mention, I would add to the idea of loosing time and everything you have been carrying that any job/mission/quest you were on when you died are auto-failed and have the consequence of failing (loss of reputation and confidence from your employers, more difficult in future to get good jobs, being put on the hit list of bounty just re-taking the same quest as if nothing happened)

There needs to be some kind of hit points though, those would be a constant and don't increase through experience or augmentations. you might train your hitpoints up through bodybuilding (only if your muscles are still your own) and increase your mental hit point through similar training. Any form of augmentation or skill increase merely reduces the amount of damage and kind of injury a certain type of attack causes...

Tactics are important, I agree fully, but this is cyberpunk and the power of numbers, arms and implants should never be amount of tactics will let you defeat 10 FBC dragoons on your own....
Love all your suggestions, especially the strict consequence aspect of death. If you have been working hard to progress your toon then you will use your brain before going in guns blazing...if you just respawn nearby and nothing is lost, then you don't care how often you die or how many mistakes you make.
To the "respawn" option you mention, I would add to the idea of loosing time and everything you have been carrying that any job/mission/quest you were on when you died are auto-failed and have the consequence of failing (loss of reputation and confidence from your employers, more difficult in future to get good jobs, being put on the hit list of bounty just re-taking the same quest as if nothing happened)

There needs to be some kind of hit points though, those would be a constant and don't increase through experience or augmentations. you might train your hitpoints up through bodybuilding (only if your muscles are still your own) and increase your mental hit point through similar training. Any form of augmentation or skill increase merely reduces the amount of damage and kind of injury a certain type of attack causes...

Tactics are important, I agree fully, but this is cyberpunk and the power of numbers, arms and implants should never be amount of tactics will let you defeat 10 FBC dragoons on your own....

Maybe not 10 Full Body Replacement Dragoons, but I did have a player (starting out, 60 character points, standard skill package) successfully punch a dragoon down a flight of stairs (actually he fell down, I think, 4 floors of stairs) The falling damage actually broke the Borg. BTW . . . The character "Blanka" had no augmentations at all! The character is still alive and kicking, he does have a REP of 10, and is now an extremely customized Exotic. The guy who plays him is my best player of cyberpunk of all time.

As far as I am concerned tactics in Cyberpunk include "Friends", "Pawns", Equipment and Augmentations. Being tooled properly and knowing how to use it should let any character take down any other character.

Cyberpunk has a system of 40 "Hit Points" with progressive penalties for injuries, and the only 2 things that reduce damage are the characters BTM (based on the BODY Stat) and Armor. Something on that line would be perfectly in line with my ideas.

I like your respawn idea.
Since and an open world game need vehicles, ships, cars, motorcycles, this would leave the very cool game,Let cool and a construction equipment system for you to build sentinels and robots to assist you.
Since and an open world game need vehicles, ships, cars, motorcycles, this would leave the very cool game,Let cool and a construction equipment system for you to build sentinels and robots to assist you.

Robots, drones, sentinels, cameras...all buildable, modable, hackable...same as vehicles....

But don't mistake sandbox for wide open spaces, parking lots and motorways...the way I envision Night City, you have several months worth of explorable locations, but the streets inside the city boundaries are crowded and claustrophobic....

If you want wide open spaces and 8-lane speedways, you need to go beyond the city boundaries...and so far it sounds more like there won't be any wastelands in the game...
I want Realistic Inventory - I do NOT want my character to select 'sniper rifle' and suddenly a 4-foot rifle comes out from nowhere. I don't want people to carry stuff that is comically beyond their capability.

I also want realistic gun features. I want guns with all of the diversity of the cp2020 tabletop. Not 'pistol ammo', 'rifle ammo' or 'sniper ammo'. I want 9mm, 10mm 11mm, 5.56, 7.62, etc. I want silencers to only be able to work with specific calibers (just like reality) and require a threaded barrel. I want to be able to modify my personal weapon with the options presented in the 'Solo of Fortune' supplements (add compensator for increased semi-auto ROF, saw-off barrels, add collapsible stocks, larger magazines, plating, auto and selective fire, threading the barrel, etc). I want ammo magazines to be a real thing. Who cares if I have 1,000 bullets if I only have one 20-round mag.

I do not want 'stim packs' 'health packs' or any other form on instant healing aside from increased healing rates though in-game drugs or cyber. Part of why I loved the pen and paper system was how brutal it was. It wasn't like other games where the healer could fix you instantly or you could just drink a magic potion. Being hurt sucked and lasted a long long time.
Okay...after reading through a goodly number of these posts, I can see the Devs have their work cut out for them. There have been some really good suggestions posted so far...and, well, some not so good. I'll try to keep this simple.

1. Sprawling metropolis. I understand we're going with an open world sandbox, lets see Night City be the sprawling den of villainy ad depravity it is meant to be. Lets see it in all its urbanized, chrome plated, neon spangled, synthskin glory. Lets have distinct zones...if I am running a Solo and I live in the DMZ, I want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am most definitely NOT in some cushy upsacle corpsicle neighborhood.

2. Home Bases. Sound good. Start off small. Have it relevant to the character generation process. If you choose along one path, you start in a coffin. If you go another way, you might have a nice little apartment or habcube. Nothing too much at the beginning.

3. Friday Night Firefight. Bring the guns. Fix the armor system...which I am sure you will do. I kinda remember it being a bit broken as written in the core books. Bring the melee as well, there are always times when a sharp knife or a set of rippers is the better tool than your Minami-10.

4. Interesting netrunning scenarios. I have faith in you guys.

5. I'll get back to you about style...I have a few ideas to throw your way in the appropriate threads.

6. Vehicles. Yes, this is an RPG and yes there are vehicles. But if you think you're going to start the game jetsetting with a BMW 9018s or tearing up the skies in an AV-9 Combat Assault better quit sniffing the exhaust fumes from the local chop shop.

7. Punknaught. Need I say more? Actually, yes...NPC Boostergangers better have one at some point in the

8. Full Body Replacements...eventually.

I'll work on a more suggestions for the devs over the weekend. My nest suggestion is to the 98% of the people posting on know who you are. The posers and ubergamers who have no bloody clue what Cyberpunk is. Get off your cans and scope these the books, watch the vid-feeds...expand that useless lump you call a brain and upload a little knowledge to your cortex. These links will give you a clue as to what to read, what to watch, what music to listen to so that you will have some flaming idea of what you are talking about before you come to these threads again. Just because you like something in another game doesn't mean it will work here. Cyberpunk has a long and rich history and culture that has been growing since the 1960's. Get a clue, people..

I know I am coming across harshly, but it galls me when people want to talk about something and they don't have a clue. Cyberpunk is DARK. Gore can be useful but is not required. Dark, gritty humor...think the kind of humor combat veterans would have. Night City is not a nice place unless you have the Euro and the connections. Yeah, Cyberpunk was playing with the idea of Euro a good decade or two before the EU decided to go that way. Space travel? Its about as common as it is now. Areas between the megacities? If this is 2077 and what I am reading is correct...think Fallout. If you are not in the cities, or certain other small're in a hotzone that will make you glow in the dark. For the love of Saint Gibson, go read a book and learn about this is fiction but it already exists. I applaud the work the Devs are doing, but so many of the users need to remember that the Devs are still playing in someone else's world.

Rache out...
I want to meet real players in Afterlife club. Chat with them, share secrets, show off fancy cothes and implants, trade weapons, listen to cool cyberpunk music. I don't want multiplayer, but social club life would be awesome after hours of fighting and questing.
Agreed. Small co-op multiplayer is fine. Persistent world for slightly larger groups, perhaps. Think the way MP was done in Neverwinter Nights. One person could also use the toolkit to take over duties as GM and run an adventure for the other players either network or online.

I don't see any need for PVP, as most people conceive of it, in this game. We're going to have too much to do as it is...what with running for Militech and Arasaka and NCPD and Biotech and SovOil The need and emphasis is on teamwork...even if you plan to screw them over later. ;)
I would like to see different body shapes on both male and female characters.

Slim, fit, big, taller, shorter on both male and females.

In games like the later GTA sequels, doing a lot of exercise to increase your strength stat is reflected in your character's appearance getting buffer.

That should be something in CP77 - if you have a high BOD stat or get a lot of muscle biosculpting or whatever, your character should look stronger.
In games like the later GTA sequels, doing a lot of exercise to increase your strength stat is reflected in your character's appearance getting buffer.

That should be something in CP77 - if you have a high BOD stat or get a lot of muscle biosculpting or whatever, your character should look stronger.

That of course only applies if the BOD is organic amount of weight lifting will will increase you metal muscles
I want the story to:
-make sense
-not in any way/shape/form involve time travel (not that I really expect it to I just really hate plots with time travel)
-not play second fiddle to some other aspect of the game

I want the world to:
-be interactive
and by that I mean if I see a window, I want to be able to break it. If I see a item, I want to be able to pick it up, throw it, use it, etc
-rewarding to explore (I liked Deus Ex: HR but all i get from exploring was creds basically, not fulfilling)
-I can understand every room in a building looking similar, but not in the next building over
-let me just goof off and have fun doing whatever. Let me climb a building in some manner then jump off and splat on the ground or not if i'm equipped to survive and all the while NOT have someone or something beep or chime or whatever in my ear saying "YOU NEED TO DO MISSIONS FOR THE GUY TO GET THE THING, DON'T FORGET!"
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