Devil by the Well bug

Devil by the Well bug

I need help, I am trying to complete all the witcher contracts on the witcher 3, I have completed the game and I'm lvl 32. However I have reached a stumbling block, Every time I fast travel to white orchard it will say I have failed the Devil by the Well quest therefore will lead me to reloading my save before going to white orchard, I now can't go to White orchard to do anything without failing it, I play on the xbox one for anyone that is wondering.

Has this happened to anyone else, if so any help would be appreciated!
Devil by the well failing

I tried to get "Geralt the professional" trophy and it didnt pop.
now on the ng+ devil by the well is the last contract i need to complete to get the trophy AND a platinum trophy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as soon as i fast travel to white orchid the quest fails. i flashes saying new quest and then fails. the guy you talk to about the contract is not dead either. absolutely fuming and this has really put me off from buying a CDPR game again.
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