Your Fears For the Game - Combined Thread

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On the OP subject:

One of the things making a game feel cool for me is the mechanics: movement, combat, interaction, etc. Found out today the game will support both first person and third person perspectives, and also there's a lot of talk about a multiplayer feature. I fear the scope in these regards is too large and something will end up underdeveloped. Let me briefly explain why:

1. Developing a complex FPS experience in regard of mechanics (with a lot of first person presence - like seeing your hands do various actions, for example) is a totally different volume of work than developing a complex 3rd person perspective experience (body animations, maybe a cover system, various types of interactions with the environment). So there are basically 2 separate and large volumes of work.

2. A first person perspective implies a less straight up reactive environment, while in a 3rd person perspective game, the environment has to be way more tightly connected and wrapped around the player's actions. Switching from FP to TP, while maintaining a high level of detail for each, would actually mean changing between 2 different sets of environmental behaviors. I strongly doubt that's easy to code.

3. In multiplayer, the limits to movement types and actions types are very high. Any additional move, no matter how cool it feels or looks, means loss of time and a chance to get wasted. Also, you can't lock a player into a reaction animation imposed by another player, because it always would feel unfair and there will be a lot of rage.

One perfect example of what I'm talking about is SW Battlefront 2 ('cause it's the latest I've played; there are a ton of others), albeit it's exclusively about combat (the core principle stands though). Even though it does provide a 3rd person view, the mechanics are exclusively developed for FPS. Not only you feel it's missing something in 3rd person, but it's also clunky and annoying to play it like that, be it in multiplayer or the campaign. It simply feels really dated in this specific regard.
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Stop cannibalizing threads already, mods. I fear if there'll be dedicated servers for this game, mods will cannibalize them too.
metalmaniac21;n9852061 said:
Stop cannibalizing threads already, mods. I fear if there'll be dedicated servers for this game, mods will cannibalize them too.

It's a tech issue, something to do with merging multiple-page threads and links. Working on fixing it.

If you're telling me to stop merging redundant, that's not going to happen.
What fears me truly is the how combat will work in a variety type of enemies you will encounter in the game (Will there be a old school combat where stuns,Knockup,KnockBack, Knockdowns, Slows, Froze etc.) and how CEO Kiciński “Online Components” will make their long term success going to affect us. He’s literally talking about games like League of Legends, PlayerUnknown Battleground, Overwatch, Counter Strike: Global Offensive etc. I respect he’s taking those challenges and achieve every gamers dream to experience.

I knew all of that it’s because Singleplayer will not make the game stay alive for a long time (“long term success”) . Even Witcher 3, GTA 5 Singleplayer doesn’t have that much players playing them yet they made the franchise popular.


It’s because that’s Singleplayer Games Purpose. Experience and Have Fun.

Multiplayer Games Purpose?
Competitive and Have Fun.

Fast-paced Action-Strategy, Open World, RPG, Sandbox, Multiplayer PvP & PvE, Narrative Story Telling, Singleplayer is what this game genre going to be and CEO Kiciński going to combine Singleplayer with Multiplayer (Online Components) to make a New Era of Gaming. No MMORPG Needed! Multiple Servers can limit players playing at the same time.
Multiplayer RPGs are one of the most fun of a kind. VtM: Redemption, NWN, EYE: Cybermancy, list is growing. And it's one step close to it's PnP roots. So yeah, of course they want to add MP.
Mentioned it already in another thread, but one of my concerns for the game is that the multiplayer component will dictate (i.e. make impossible to even consider anything else) how the game will play to the contrary of what I have even a slightest interest for.
kofeiiniturpa;n9854231 said:
Mentioned it already in another thread, but one of my concerns for the game is that the multiplayer component will dictate (i.e. make impossible to even consider anything else) how the game will play to the contrary of what I have even a slightest interest for.
It's a potential concern.

In no way can the multi-player element directly effect the single-player elements of the game.
No missions requiring multi-player.
No gear only obtainable in multi-player.

CP2077 should be a single-player game with multi-player elements added not your typical multi-player game with single-player elements, there is a very basic and fundamental difference between the two.
I seriously hope CD Projekt RED does not add level scaling of both looth and NPC's

in Cyberpunk 2077

CD Projekt RED did a very good job not adding level scaling of NPC's in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but added level scaling to the armor and weapons.

I don't want to see level scaling of armor and weapons either.
Balloers100;n9855941 said:
in Cyberpunk 2077

CD Projekt RED did a very good job not adding level scaling of NPC's in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but added level scaling to the armor and weapons.

I don't want to see level scaling of armor and weapons either.

I like your idea to remove it but I can’t 100% agree with you as we RPG players had to go some trials and experience to become strong on the game. That’s the purpose of RPG games.

Yes, Level Scaling to the armor and weapons really also do not make any sense on reality too instead they can make it base on statistics and class of your character instead. Cyberpunk 2077 will not have a fixed protagonist like Geralt on Witcher 3 as it was already confirmed.

In reality, you can’t just have a broadsword in your house and swing it like Geralt right? Same on my idea, since this is not a fixed protagonist CDPR will make a new a System for it like Skyrim does. I can’t explain any further info for this.

If one of this not going to happen, CDPR Cyberpunk 2077 will be a huge disappointment for me. I have no problem on Tetris Inventory but this? They need to evolve.. They have to erase those MMORPG’s Old Classic System [Not Mechanics] away from this game!

exogenesis09;n9856001 said:
I like your idea to remove it but I can’t 100% agree with you as we RPG players had to go some trials and experience to become strong on the game. That’s the purpose of RPG games.

Yes, Level Scaling to the armor and weapons really also do not make any sense on reality too instead they can make it base on statistics and class of your character instead. Cyberpunk 2077 will not have a fixed protagonist like Geralt on Witcher 3 as it was already confirmed.

In reality, you can’t just have a broadsword in your house and swing it like Geralt right? Same on my idea, since this is not a fixed protagonist CDPR will make a new a System for it like Skyrim does. I can’t explain any further info for this.

If one of this not going to happen, CDPR Cyberpunk 2077 will be a huge disappointment for me. I have no problem on Tetris Inventory but this? They need to evolve.. They have to erase those MMORPG’s Old Classic System [Not Mechanics] away from this game!
I don't like level scaling of armor, weapons, and NPC's at all in RPG video games.
Levels would be alien concept in Cyberpunk. A small dependence on player's chosen combat skills development reflecting on enemy's AI and equipment is good already. Before any of you will squeal about multiplayer - the grandfather of MMOs Ultima Online was skillbased and it was million times more convenient than what is now considered a normal thing.
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All I have to say to CDPR about micro-transactions is: PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO US.

Do not forget that EA and Ubisoft have been beloved publishers for decades with great games under their belt and still they're now hated for their manipulative and insidious new business practices and deceitful communication with the gaming community. On top of that, they act as if we are incapable of deciphering the untold dangers and lies hidden within their corporate sounding statements of fancy words that they release to the community. This is insulting. What is going on now with Battlefront 2 was bound to happen.

CDPR has built a great reputation so far with not only their games but the establishment of and what it claims to stand for. Don't get greedy now, it will only end badly. There's time. Knock those micro-transaction thoughts out of your head and try to cut cost by other means like Ninja Theory did with Hellblade.

Also, what's the point of making Cyberpunk bigger than Witcher 3? It doesn't have to be bigger to be better. Don't bite more than you can chew.
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While I agree that single player has to be the priority, I just don't want a linear story with a few side bumps thrown in.

I would like the story to progress however I see fit. I should be able to do this and that and the other at whatever pace I want. Looping in and out of the storyline, backtracking, skipping ahead to something else, but still be able to pick up the thread of the plot whenever I want. I don't want A->B->C, but A->Q->F->¢->▓.
Shitstorm around the interview with Adam Kicinski.

I have just watched a new video on the Pretty Good Gaming channel -
Here is an interview video -

I think they misunderstood it completely. In the interview for investors Adam Kicinski said in brief, they want to increase profit (which is normal for a company) by making better games. For them the more work and talent you put into a game the bigger sales are.
In the second part of the video he spoke about the Gwent and games as a service. They want to have smaller games between larger projects to be financially secure. "Games as service" means they will continue to support games for years and add new content. Like in a Heartstone for example.

That's how i understand it.
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I agree, this part was poorly handled. Most gamers flip out at mention "games as service"...CDPR should've hinted they plan to do launch support similar to Witcher III, on larger scale with Cyberpunk ( least that's what I'm thinking they'll do)...quests, large weapon packs, expansions, etc.
The term "Games as a service" sickens me. If it's just in the context of Gwent, I'm fine with it - but otherwise, it sounds way too EA-like for me, and makes me worry.

Honestly, I'm fine with them releasing Games as a service titles in between major releases - titles like Gwent could last them 10-15 years, and make them a lot of money. It would keep them secure and stable, and allow them to fund bigger, more audience-friendly projects. I'm totally OK with this. But if they even think about adding loot boxes or microtransactions into CP2077 or future Witcher titles, they can forget about me as a customer. They are one of the last hold-outs in an industry that shows total disdain for its userbase, and I'll only support them as long as that stays the case.

They can do it all they want in titles like Gwent, though, as I've said. I've played and enjoyed that game, and its F2P, so they already have much more leeway in my book.
I'm fine with no level scaling on gear and NPCs, but I'm also fine if they include it. It's a non-issue for me.

That said, the reason I would prefer it is because I like having to get stronger before I go take on a big bad that maybe kicked my booty the first time around.

However, I'd also want a gear upgrade system similar to what the Witcher 3 had with its Witcher School gear sets. Gather the materials and advance through the game to level the gear up and make it scale with you. That's a pretty fair system.
I don't need to go any further than Cyberpunk will be a multiplayer game.
Whether it's delivered with a "Games as a service" model, or not doesn't really make any damn difference.
That fact it's multi-player is enough to reduce my interest in this game to zero. So I really don't give a damn how they finance it, I won't play it.

The one thing I would say Is if it is going the multi-player route, it should be entirely multi-player.
I've also no interest in a second rate single player campaign, and if multi-player's the main focus, the campaign's second rate, by definition.

Indeed I've still no interest if the Single player's the main focus, with a second rate Multi-player mode tacked on either.
Both those options split the focus away from the main campaign, and both modes suffer as a result.

So if the focus is going to be as a Multi-player RPG, make that the sole focus, and make it the best damn multi-player RPG you can.
I've no interest in any sort of Multi-player game, some will love it I'm sure, but not me.

If CDPR ever make another single player only RPG, I'll be back, but until that day arrives, there's nothing here for single player RPG gamers, like me.
It was fun, but this looks like it's the time to jump off the CDPR bandwagon, a sad day.
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