How should we investigate in Cyberpunk?

Yep, this is a tough one as the approach the investigator is following is important. Ultimately any story will need a trail of clues. I think the key to people having fun is for there to be multiple paths to the clues. A fixer would try to find clues by talking to people, Cops could call in the forensic lab folks (and interview people), Techies would have their own tools (scanners, sensors etc.) to give them help. So it almost seems there will have to be a technical based clue and a person based clue at each stage, so any Archetype can complete the quest.

Also want to second C-dogs' idea that a cool story will help a lot.

Hey, let's not forget the tried and true method of physical intimidation and violence. A bag of oranges round the head lets 'em know you mean business and won't leave a bruise.
Can someone link me to where investigation was confirmed as a feature? Or is this just speculation (fine with that)?

As for what I'd want, I'm seeing a lot of cool ideas in this th read. However, we should also try to focus on what's actually doable in terms of development time and level of complexity. At the very least, as others have said, having NPCs lie to you and perhaps lead you on an alternate investigation path (or to lead you into an ambush, or something of that sort) would be a neat inclusion.

But the actual act of investigating? I wouldn't mind forcing the player to think a bit. Not too much -- after all, we play games to have fun, not to work -- but maybe instead of giving players direct quest markers for every step of the investigation, we could have the character talk out loud as they discover stuff, akin to the Witcher 3. But instead of having designated trails to follow, they just drop hints, and its up to the player to figure out what to do next.

That's what I'd like to see. But it may be too confusing in a place like Night City.
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