omg vicaro medic ?? really?? like what??

omg vicaro medic ?? really?? like what??

I made a queensguard deck last night.

About 5 minutes ago, I had a player steal one of my queensguard's with vicaro medic. Then he stole another with decoy.

Buffing and playing them is what my ENTIRE deck revolves around.

So I figure damn, that sucks, but atleast they'll go back to my graveyard when the round is over.



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Yeah, that's a big reason why QG aren't played much. It's too easy to hard counter them, especially with NG.

Anything on your opponent's side of the board will go to opponent's graveyard (unless Doomed, of course); that's how it's always worked.
Yeah its thats something i dont like on them ... i think they should reduce the ability to hit cards with spy tag only:
And SK is one of my lowest played factions
4RM3D;n10368962 said:

Haha truly!! And it was ridiculous (against my decks at the time). This was early 2017, before vomiting 15-20 bronze plays was a common occurence. I don't know that I like the idea that one deck can make another completely useless. It is like rock paper scissors.

I was playing O.G. dwarfs back in jan 2017 -- and they have no way to deal with QG
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And the best is, there are also Slave Drivers and Ointment. I managed once managed with Nilfgaard to pull 7 Queennsguards from my Graveyard in round 3, while the enemy only had 1 left.
I believe Vicovaro Medics really should be changed.
Mystikast;n10368982 said:
Haha truly!! And it was ridiculous (against my decks at the time). This was early 2017, before vomiting 15-20 bronze plays was a common occurence. I don't know that I like the idea that one deck can make another completely useless. It is like rock paper scissors.

I was playing O.G. dwarfs back in jan 2017 -- and they have no way to deal with QG

Nice job bro. You got QG nerfed and now your complaining about it haha.
And now you know why I hate the Slave/Medic deck.... it can play my deck better than I can because it doesn't need to rely on actually getting the cards in hand like I do


Forum veteran
As someone who used QG as the main deck in the past, but uses Vicovaro Medic+ Slave Driver + Ointment now a lot, i do agree that QG needs a buff and Vicovaro Medic definitely needs a nerf.

This NG deck of 'use your own opponent's deck' is incredibly powerful, only trouble i have against is with monster decks, specially moonlight, but i consistently pull 5-7 card chains with it.
OG.laloquaint;n10373922 said:
Is that really the case? I thought only Restore added the Doomed tag. D:

According to PTR it's anything that gets ressed by anything. Could change before going live of course, but currently, QG just got buried 12 feet deep, because 6 just wasn't enough.
congrats...seriously, if whole deck revolves around queensguard its an bad idea (comming from a ng player here).
ps: if queesngaurd is 3 or less health on board, fear the slave hunters
Welcome to CCGs. Eventually they all become just who has the best IMBA cards. And as new cards are released they will be made netter so people by and drop the previous OP.

Gwent will be like Hearthstone. Cookie Cutter decks. Search the net for best of the best - copy clone and play. I am guessing Super Spy and Dorfs are the top two decks right now. The Northern Realms all their armor up probably 3rd.

I looked at the usual "best win rate" decks and much like Hearthstone - yeah okay - need 5000 iron get me some of the OP and them play vs farming.

Like Cerys 20 game win steak with cursed.
Aracnes Queen deck.

So once you get all the OP cards then try and win matches.
The game has been making me slowly insane as some could probably tell over the time I've been posting. I'm starting to hate almost every faction for one reason or another. Vivarco medic is a horrible card when not resessing a spy. It can destroy a deck like queensgaurd
LordCheesecurd;n10374892 said:
Welcome to CCGs. Eventually they all become just who has the best IMBA cards. And as new cards are released they will be made netter so people by and drop the previous OP.

Gwent will be like Hearthstone. Cookie Cutter decks. Search the net for best of the best - copy clone and play. I am guessing Super Spy and Dorfs are the top two decks right now. The Northern Realms all their armor up probably 3rd.

I looked at the usual "best win rate" decks and much like Hearthstone - yeah okay - need 5000 iron get me some of the OP and them play vs farming.

Like Cerys 20 game win steak with cursed.
Aracnes Queen deck.

So once you get all the OP cards then try and win matches.

Sheesh.. I have been critical of Gwent, but at least I am using my critical-thinking ability when doing so!
I understand you're upset and I can certainly sympathize. But c'mon man, you have to have valid criticisms. I play NR exclusively and know how to beat the Arachas Queen deck, even using such a crao faction. One has to "tech the living crap" out of the AQ deck-type. There are so many neutral cards to choose from for this endeavor, and they don't take much scrap to craft.

By the way, if you're having trouble getting/making cards, I suggest milling cards for factions you do not use, in order to build your deck of choice. Besides. if you play enough Gwent, you're going to get enough free scraps and barrels. I think it happens to every player who goes on for a while; they accumulate more deck-building resources than they can use. I have a stockpile of scrap and barrels that I will not open until new cards come out. There's no point.

Last issue: You mention hating NR third-most? Awwww nooooo chance it deserves that much hate! If anything, it deserves pity. NR is the least synergistic of all the factions and has been THE bottom-feeder since I started playing, back in the Summer 2017.
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