What cards do you think are unhealthy for the game?

What cards do you think are unhealthy for the game?

Title says it all. What cards do you think are just unhealthy for the overall state of the game and why?

For me, I feel Kambi and Igni are prime examples due to Kambi/Hjalmar combo which unless you have a very specific card to counter it there is literally nothing you can do. As for Igni it essentially makes every player everywhere make sure your rows don's stack over 20 and make sure if it does none of the highest powers are the same making you essentially jump through multiple hoops just because there is a high possibility of them having it.

What other cards might you think are unhealthy?
Kambi and Villenmethingy because you either have D-shackles or you're screwed.

Igni to a lesser extend.
Everything that gets buffed in deck. Either give it a grave hag style 1 turn timer, or remove them completely.
Honorary mentions to: betrayal, Regis vamp, sweers and that annoying golem that screws with your draws.
I really dislike cards that are so strong that I MUST include counters. I am okay with cards that hurt me if I don't counter them But some cards simply are too strong if I dont counter them. I MUST add counter cards or lose the game.

If you don't stop Villentretenmerth, you simply lose the game. If you don't have a shackle, its over for you. Now I MUST include at least 1-2 shackles just incase I meet a gold dragon.

Same for weather. Some decks are not playable right now. If you have four 6 strength cards on a row and your opponent play rain. You will lose 8 strength every turn..... Play monster spam isn't possible right now because one fog take away 20 power after played. You MUST add anti weather cards what really make your deck building limited. You MUST give away 3-7 slots just incase someone play weather.

Also, you must keep shackle and clear skies in your hand because otherwise if they play dragon or weather you are doomed.Really limiting your play
u can avoid villentretenmerth with buffing enemys too if u have the cards for it or play golds so he destroys his own units
Weather cards. Is there a single deck without weather (other than the mages) in either casual or ranked right now?
4RM3D;n8995040 said:
While I agree on Kami to a certain extent the Dragon can be played against smartly, however if there are only a few cards left to be played its basically a craps roll who wins and that is no fun for anyone.
Kambi and Donar because even with d-shackles in your deck you can be screwed and Donar just loves to steal Shackles.

Shieldmaidens because they are way too powerful for that kind of bronze.

Cards like Igni and Ville IMO are necessary because of the insane power swings we have atm.

In general I think we have too many cards that rely on buffing. In CB they changed cards like Frightener to avoid last turn power swings. However now all of a sudden we have a lot of bronze cards with similar mechanics. I think that is crap to be honest.
I don't think there are unhealthy cards just unhealthy combinations. For Example Kambi is good right now because the combo with Hjalmar (prob the best gold right now).

What i don't like is carryover str to the next round of more than 10-12 points . Like the Morkvarg Olgierd Combo.
DMaster2;n8995530 said:
Weather cards. Is there a single deck without weather (other than the mages) in either casual or ranked right now?

I agree. Especially, the gold weather cards. Most of my decks do not have weather in them.

I'd say:

In hand boosting cards (Vaunguard, Spy etc. times 3).

Axe men


Renew its OP, should be reverted to own graveyard. I see it everywhere, it had replaced geralt igni which i havent seen it since patch
Yahdop;n8994660 said:
Title says it all. What cards do you think are just unhealthy for the overall state of the game and why?

For me, I feel Kambi and Igni are prime examples due to Kambi/Hjalmar combo which unless you have a very specific card to counter it there is literally nothing you can do. As for Igni it essentially makes every player everywhere make sure your rows don's stack over 20 and make sure if it does none of the highest powers are the same making you essentially jump through multiple hoops just because there is a high possibility of them having it.

What other cards might you think are unhealthy?

Kambi and Borkh.

Igni I do not have a problem with
Jhinjie96;n8994740 said:
Cards that interfere with decks, Regis Higher, Skellige card that moves a card to your own GY, The NG golem that puts copies of itself on top of your deck, those sort of cards can be bad imo

Yep, same here. Card like this shouldnt exist, specially donar that is RNG driven.
Jhinjie96;n8994740 said:
Cards that interfere with decks

Stealing things from enemies decks !
Same for renew .
Round 3 finishers in general. 1 play and 20+ strengh is retarded. You milkyour opponent to 1 card and then play your finisher,its cheap.
3 cards in one with the same reason for the round 3 finishers. It limits the viriety of gwent. Everyone runs this cards as a main tool to win. In CB they were made to clear your deck but now they just win the games.
Auckes is too strong and destroys archetypes.
Frost is little bit too strong.
Weapons of mass destruction like kambi and villentretenmeth. This golds limits the whole game. You counter kambi and you counter the whole skellige deck in most cases. If you dont run shackles its lost in most cases.
Hmm i can name only a few..

Kambi is a really bad card, 99% of times you can't do anything about it...
Donar has quite high power and his RNG effect is annoying..
The Guardian, is quite a silly card which offers a very high power while it messes up with your opponent's deck and it's a damn Silver Card...

G:igni and Renew are too versatile and useful in a good amount of situations but they are balanced IMO...

BUT, the biggest problem of all is not the existence of some absurd cards.. it's the fact that there are way too many combos that win the game and their only counter is to D, Shackle them...
D. Shackles card is a very unreliable counter and it either has to become more reliable, or those combos should have more counters than just D.Shackles... Fix this and the game will be far more balanced and enjoyable...
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