Made an Anti-Skellige Deck - now I face no Skellige?

Made an Anti-Skellige Deck - now I face no Skellige?

So... after pausing CB I came back when Open Beta started and faced the same like everone else - Skellige everywhere. So I decided to make a Nilfgaard Anti-Skellige Deck.
(With Leto, Auckes, Peter Saar Gwynleve, Necromancy, Cleaver - so I can lock and banish or reset everything SK might throw at me) and guess what? In the last 15 matches only 1 against Skellige. Really? How is that possible? Did all Skellige suddenly vanish from ranked (about rank 9 atm)? Or does the matchmaking not match me against SK anymore?
Those who play with SK will often be a lot better than rank 9.
Rank up, then you'll probably face more of them.
yeah.. facet alot weather decks. so i play antiweater deck. got 2 CS, 3 weather clear unit in my hand.. but the oppenent playes no weather GG -.-
switched to my normal deck and getting weather decks again.. fk off.
The Skellige fest starts at exactly 2700 mmr. Up until then you meet a variety of factions, after that, 90% SK.
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