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Found this image on reddit post where they just experiment biggest cheese strategy of this patch... but just think scorch value here :D

l_WHIT3WOLF_l;n9560191 said:
Found this image on reddit post where they just experiment biggest cheese strategy of this patch... but just think scorch value here :D

so i was facing a mill deck. the guy even had a chance to summoning circle into a 2nd avallach onto the board. all the while i was just building up points. i got about 50 ahead and passed. he went down 4 (maybe 5) CA to catch back up. my deck was light on units, so i nenneke'd only basic units back, then decoyed her to do it again. he played 1 turn, checked my graveyard, and then forfeited.
Holy crap, i think i just had the luckiest luck i've ever had on Gwent, in 11 months of playing!

So, here i am using my main (Kambi) deck on Ranked Mode, and im facing NR Foltest, which my deck is really good against... when i actually get to play Kambi.

So, i have 25 cards in it. And i manage to get to Round 3, and end up getting 23 cards out, through Discard, Avallach and spy... and still no Kambi, he was one of the 2 left!

So, the opponent had already like twice my points and i was about to give up, since i only had 3 medics and some stupid bronzes and Summoning Circle... But i thought "maybe he'll do something to give me a card", so i kept playing...

He plays Ves... and i look at my Summoning Circle... play it... and KAMBI! I use the 'thanks' emote like 5x, and go over Ves so he understands how he helped me.

Played Kambi, burned everything, his 2 remaining cards were Geralt Igni and Keira, which were no match for almost 40 pts of QG!
Ran into an unusual Unseen Elder weather/Deathwish deck. Not that the weathers got much value...

Summoning Circle for a second Dethmold to clear White Frost.
I stack a lot of units on one row, pretty high overall strength. Opponent plays Dijkstra, pulls Commanders Horn... And instead of applying it on his row, he buffs mine -> Forfeit. Guess he thought it was Hailstorm.
On season 1 I was playing Nilfgaard with Emhyr, ranked match. I made a few plays that reveal all opponent cards. I pass and he plays all his cards, give me an easy win on round 2 and 3.
Just had a pretty nice match. Maybe for all the NR veterans this is no big deal, but i dont have much experience with the faction in its current state (it used to be one of my favourites before NG was even released).

i had crafted Roach, and wanted to try her out, so i put it on my NR Foltest deck, since it has Nenneke, to put Roach back in the deck. I dont like using cards everyone uses like Dijkstra, Troll and Stennis, but i was able to pull a nice chain:

On Round 3 only got 3 cards: Shani, a PFI and a medic. My plan was to put the PFI, use Shani to ressurect a medic (and in comes Roach!) to replace one of the lesser PFI and the same for the other medic. But suddenly i get a chain, between medics, reaver scouts and kaedweni supports and im able to get 9 cards on the board with just 3 initially on the hand! Pretty proud of that.


P.S. - i know Shani is one of the most played cards, but i feel a deep bond with her, good times we had on Witcher 1, 3 and Gwent Closed Beta...
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i'm playing emyhr spies against wild hunt. i had just pulled off an auto kill iris +25 boost with the enforcers. my opponent plays his own iris. i had cahir in hand, so i bounced his iris into my own hand for future usage. he forfeited and i lol'd very hard.

speaking of emyhr bouncing vs weather, in a different match i was able to pull units who were about to die to weather out of it. they heal up as go back in hand for future play later. that is pretty cool. i'm waiting for when facing NG and someone throws a cow carcass. i want to bounce that into my hand to toss back at them later :)
Playing Bombadier ST vs NG Spies. Lost the CF, won R1 with 2 cards down, managed to pull Yaevin to get to R3 with just a card down. My last two cards are Summoning Circle and Pyrotechnician. Opponent plays Rainfarn into Joacim with his first play... pulls nothing. I Summoning Circle Joacim and BANG - Hawker Smuggler. Won by 3 points up.

It was a good game, indeed. :cheers:
Brouver vs Harald

Round 1
I have a really bad hand. Roach, multiple spells that I'd rather pull with Elven Mercenary, lacking core deck cards... No way I can win round 1 if it's going to be long... So I play Yeavinn to gain CA or win the round with Brouver if opponent passes. But he plays Udalryk. Hmm, draw or CA? Not bad either! I pass... And opponent plays Summoning Circle and gives me another 12 points. I'm not sure what he wanted to accomplish here, because either way I gain CA, and he must play something like a Madman Lugos to win with 1 card down. But he decides to loose first round. (???)

Round 2
RNG is not kind to me, and my hand is full of dead cards. I decide to pass in hope that round 3 mulligan can make my hand somewhat decent.

Round 3
My hand is awful, and guess what? Opponent plays Avallac'h, which makes it even worse. Roach & 2 Mecenaries with no specials to pull... But guess what?

Opponent's Drought -> Clear Skies
Skellige Storm -> Vrihedd Brigade
Birna's Skellige Storm -> Vrihedd Brigade (that I managed to Operator before it)
^And all that before he plays a single Axemen.

Then he gets greedy and doesn't stagger two of his biggest Axemen. Punished him for that with GIgni as my last card, winning the game.
Err... I just don't know how I won my last game.

Like - really.

Was playing Beasts Monsters against Henselt and basically wanted to win 1 Round to finish my 2-nd Tear dailies before going to work. Opponent was pushing REALLY hard and I've managed to win R2 with just 1 card opposed to his 3 (just atrocious draws and those fuarking Ballistas >.< ).

So, my last card is Renew and I'm like... what the hell. Played it, Renewed DJ Extra (yes, he threw it against me R2): first card drawn -> Succie -> threw her opposing the DJ cause, at least some points back, you know; second card - CHarpy.

Phhh - just tremendous.

Went to pee.

Returned and I've won the game.


Still baffled.
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