Are there Bots in Gwent?

From my experience, the bots I faced were always using the same flippin' dwarf deck with the same starter golds you get from ST, the reason i know they were bots is because they never took ideal passes (they either had to be winning by 30 or so poimts or losing), always used first light for rally even though they were drowning in weather and I would be ok because thats free win if they weren't also playing so god damn slow. I thought we got rid of them with the new patch but now I'm starting to see them again.

There should be some sort of safety mechanism where if you get suspicious that you're playing a bot, you press some button and they have 1 min to verify or else the account is suspended and investigated, but you can only use the button once per match and if someone uses it nearly every game (aka abuses it), they also get suspended. Because honestly if we have to do such procedures just to report a bot while they just make another one its not going anywhere.
Doydl;n10146332 said:
There should be some sort of safety mechanism where if you get suspicious that you're playing a bot, you press some button and they have 1 min to verify or else the account is suspended and investigated

Woah, that would be really extreme and unfair. What if your opponent is simply afk for those 60 seconds?
RidiculousName;n10146352 said:
Woah, that would be really extreme and unfair. What if your opponent is simply afk for those 60 seconds?

Yep I got carried a bit and didn't think it through, its probably better to leave it as it is. I got the idea from an online simulator for another TCG but it's for completely other reason (judge calls). It's a bit tedious because I've sworn to myself that the minute I see a bot, I go for 2-0 victory so it wastes 20min or so from its owner, but it does drain time from me as well...


Forum veteran
The situation is getting ridiculous - today caught almost half a dozen of these retards, highlighting the cards very quickly, and always taking the same amount of time (long) to play.

There's no way these are just bad players, some of those behaviours are clearly robotically and no human would exhibit them. Some i even caught on Ranked! What will CDPR do about this?
To be fair, I believe all the statements previous posters have placed. I personally have not encountered it though, and I know my share off macro`s and script cheating. I`ve been helping encountering that in another game.

But yeah, just looking at the reward system we have there`s bound to be farming by writing scripts. I`m currently curious at what levels you experience this? Because my suspicioun would say this is mostly a problem low ranked?


Forum veteran
SoSaHer I reached Level 60 yesterday, and i was trying to reach Rank 19, but like i said, most of those bots i get are on casual. On Ranked, i havent seen enough to establish a pattern, but i would say they use the decks with minimum risk and always same strategy and still effective.
I am just going to necro bump this thread because the amount of bots I am running into is REEEEEEEEEEEEEEDIC. Just so many in ranked matches lately it's disgusting and when they run into an error or whatever you gotta wait for the timer to auto forfeit them, which is cool but still.... CDPR you gotta do something about this. It will absolutely ruin a pretty fun but buggy game. Almost every player I ran into today with some sort of numbers at the end of their name was a bot.
Gwent no longer requires much thought -- it is simply vomiting as many points on the board as possible. It is a despicable state for a game to be in.

With how simple it is, I wouldn't be surprised if there were quite a few bots in the mix.


Forum veteran
Honestly, the one behaviour i cant see any other explanation than it's a bot im playing against is the 'card highlighting'.

Im sure you've seen it: highlighting two cards back and forth in quick succession, that it couldnt be from a keyboard, a mouse or a controller. Unless its a game bug and the opponent isnt actually putting its cursor on those cards, im sure its a damn bot.
DRK3;n10239102 said:
Honestly, the one behaviour i cant see any other explanation than it's a bot im playing against is the 'card highlighting'.

Im sure you've seen it: highlighting two cards back and forth in quick succession, that it couldnt be from a keyboard, a mouse or a controller. Unless its a game bug and the opponent isnt actually putting its cursor on those cards, im sure its a damn bot.

Yep that's probably the best way alongside the way they go back and forth between the same 2 cards on the field every time and then play a card. They run into a stutter where they start rapidly highlighting a card in your hand and then you just have to wait for them to auto forfeit time out.
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Surely they are CDPR bots though. How else could it be explained?

Let's play....... BOT OR NOT!
And on tonight's show our contestant is....root.685 Is it....a (audience shouts) BOT OR NOT!?

TheEpicWhale;n10314422 said:
Explain to me why i just encountered a bot

Correction, you've encountered a player that appears to be a bot. You cannot say for sure and none of the points you've listed give any definitive proof. I've had a few weird matches myself, that reflect what you've described. I have reported them to CDPR because I was suspicious. However, they were checked and it wasn't a bot.
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