Dennis Cranmer nerf needed

Dennis Cranmer nerf needed

Basically at current state it is on par with Foltest... but with strengthen.

It will be more reasonable to make it to Strengthen all your Dwarves by 1, on board and in hand.

Still very playable, but it requires some 'not a lot' thought.



In the current meta, I am inclined to agree. However, the Dwarf archetype is already getting nerfed in the coming patch. So, this suggestion would be overkill then. Incidentally, Dennis doesn't work on spawns, which does weaken its effect a bit.
Dennis can be really strong but only if he is played fairly early in the your match because he doesn't buff spawn cards as mentioned above or obviously cards in your graveyard. Also his buff allows for your skirmishers to be able to become 13 point cards , which isnt always good because spies are also 13 point cards.
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