Several Suggestions or Ideas

Several Suggestions or Ideas

1.Really miss the day that golden cards were invincible. I think it was a brilliant feature against other CCG games.
2.That trigeminal cards(or whatever you called that)like Shieldmaidens, I hope it can return. But I have collected 2 types of this cards in premium. so I hope you can design a system that can make cards transform into different paints.
3.Make daily missions can be replaced.
4.(Personal opinion) I think GG-System is annoying. Like a taunt from your opponents.
5.AI are weak and also their decks. I hope you can design a system that we can build AI a deck so that we can test our new or recreational decks. In that case, we'll not waste our time on casual match(searching and facing the ladder decks) and also we can test our decks comprehensive.
6.Harald and Cahir 's voices ........
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1. It's a design decision. Personally, I think it's better for all cards to be vulnerable.
2. Tri-art cards were too confusing for newer players. When I first started I crafted enough Reaver Hunters to have 3 of each art, thinking that I'd be able to put 9 in my deck. I think it's more streamlined.
3. Sure, I don't see why not
4. I don't understand how it's annoying? I always GG even if I felt the match was unfair. There is no reason not to grant your opponent some extra resources.
5. Agreed, though I personally haven't played against AI since I unlocked all the leaders, I think it'd be a good idea to have more options in the AI. But this is my no means an important feature
6. If you're talking about their voice lines being sped up, I hate it too, but many other cards have their voice lines sped up as well (Mostly leaders). If you're talking about something else, it'd be a good idea to mention it.

I think what this game needs before it releases is more variety - more stuff to do. More game modes, cards that are more interesting. Some cards are utterly boring - like Arachas Venom. Factions are also suffering from an identity crisis, that has to be fixed as well.
1. I don't think it should make a come back honestly... I like being able to interact with every card on the board.
2. I think having just 3 copies of the same card without the different art also makes kegs a little bit more consistent.
3. 100% agree with you.
4. Eh, I think there's too much focus on such a small feature.
5. Yeah, absolutely. Practice mode needs a revamp and they need a new tutorial as well.
6. Their old voices were so much better, I agree.
1: Gold immunity should definitely not return. If you thought, Ciri Nova was bad before...

2: I liked the Tri artworks, but it was kinda confusing in keg drops because you wouldn't know how many of those cards you have.

3: Surprised this wasn't already implemented. I don't pay attention to the daily quests though, they seem almost hidden.

4: GG is fine, it's something I actually really liked about Gwent when I started playing. Encourages players to be nicer to their opponents.

5: Yeah the AI really needs to get reworked.

6: yeah...
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