Make deckbuff/handbuff only affect loyal units

Make deckbuff/handbuff only affect loyal units

Cards like Francesca, Iorveth, Vrihedd Neophyte and Aguara (and ponentially Dennis Cranmer, Braenn, Tuirseach Veteran, Ruehin, Old Speartip:Asleep and Weavess:Incantation if we ever get spies of their respective boosted/strenghtened categories) can currently boost spies which can potentially be very annoying, especially in case of Aguara and Neophyte RNG. Since Vrihedd Dragoons and Foltest can only affect loyal units, why not make handbuff/deckbuff more consistent and playable?
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W12;n10471192 said:
Maybe because every deck should have drawbacks?

Changing these 4 cards would only make handbuff ST slightly better and less RNG-based on average, and only when running Yaevinn. And this deck is not really OP in any way currently. And i don't agree with every deck needing drawbacks, drawbacks should be something you create by playing around your opponent's cards. E.g. there's really no drawback to reveal NG with Venedal Elite + Cantarella for 1 pt, but you can play around it to some extent sometimes.
Aside the fact that handbuff is low tempo, it is really infuriating when a Neofyte hits Yaevin. Like, WTF?
Agreed. I play Handbuff quite a bit, and Buffing Yaevinn happens more often than you'd think, which is why I actually don't have him in my deck for now, just to avoid that situation.


Forum veteran
Vrihedd Neophyte and their "random" buff

Fix this already! Their every third "random" buff is on Yaevin. It's infuriating and loses me games left and right - it's been monts!
If it is so annoying an agent got buffed instead of a regular unit, play the agent first, mulligan the agent if you are keeping a "random handbuff" unit in hand, or skip putting the agent in your deck altogether. When I design a deck, I have to consider risk aganst reward all the time, and the agent possibly getting buffed is another consideration to keep in mind. During a game, things can go wrong, specially if you have accepted the risk.
I agree too, I'm not playing spies when I play handbuff for this reason.
Giving a drawback to this mechanic is overkill since it's not even close to be OP even if they make them impossible to happen on disloyal units.

This is something I though about many times and imo, CDPR should make some general rules in Gwent that happens everytime you face certain situations.
For example, Handbuff/deckbuff should never hit disloyal units, tokens should always be doomed, randomly spawned/played units should never jump into a row affected by weather (if possible), the coinflip should never be on the blue side when I'm playing...

It's not even a way of ballancing the game but pure common sense imo.
gabusan;n10620612 said:
If it is so annoying an agent got buffed instead of a regular unit, play the agent first, mulligan the agent if you are keeping a "random handbuff" unit in hand, or skip putting the agent in your deck altogether. When I design a deck, I have to consider risk aganst reward all the time, and the agent possibly getting buffed is another consideration to keep in mind. During a game, things can go wrong, specially if you have accepted the risk.

You serious? It's 10 points on the board +2 in my hand (3 or 4 if hits Swordmaster, which I will eventually play in R3, cause this is the plan). Punish me cause "high risk" after other cards are spewing 12 points on the board like it's nothing, really?

Which brings me to Iorveth, who still buffs the Yaevin as well.

Like I said - it's been months - fix this already. Should not be that hard.
Either im extremely lucky or Aguara can only target spies if its your last card. I have played her with a spy and ONE other unit in my hand about 10 times now and have never hit the spy
Agree, this is a very obvious QoL change. While we're at it, make Francesca also buff herself (or another loyal unit in hand, if the information is important) if she searches for Yaevinn.
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