Hidden mechanics - we need a proper tutorial

Hidden mechanics - we need a proper tutorial

One of the things Gwent REALLY needs, is a proper tutorial. The one we have is very basic. Put points down-have more than opponent-win. But quite a few features are never mentioned, such as this:


End of turn and start of turn effects proc front to back, then left to right. So at EoT his farseer is checking if a buff occurred, then not finding anything, his second farseer checks the same, and then Vrihedd Dragoon procs.

That's a pretty big deal to leave out. Not to mention explaining the mulligan, which is a huge advantage if done properly.
The issue is that, at the moment, CDPR is changing so many things, that they themselves cannot keep the tutorial up to date. It would also be a wasted effort when the game changes again the next patch. So, I think CDPR is just waiting until they are happy with the state of the game and then release a new help section.
That's true. They'd have to update it ever few months to keep up. I just hope they're thinking of adding a real tutorial that covers everything.
As stated above - the game is still open to change.

However, I do think that adding something like an "advanced tutorial" would be cool. Keep that basic tutorial simple; you don't want to overload new players with information.
I've been playing since closed beta and honestly only found out about the farseer thing the other week. I always figured she was buggy because of how intermittent she was, but then I learned it was just placement that we were somehow meant to know about without being told xD

Would be nice for an advanced tutorial re things like farseer, order of operations re what does what first when several timers are due to go off, mulligan black listing etc, but like others have said, I guess we need to wait as even their basic tutorials are always out of date.
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