Quick Play: Reduce the Turn Time

The timer is fine. I just don't like waiting for the timer every turn, if the opponent stopped playing and is losing a card every round. I think if someone lets the timer run out more than two or three times, the game should be over.

I can still remember an early version of Gwent where the timer was a lot shorter. I didn't like that so much.

That being said, I can see the benefit of an optional Fast Mode with shorter timer.
Echoing previous posters here...

The timer really isn't that long. Sure, it can be annoying if when you know your opponent is roping on purpose (when they have one card left on the last round yet take ages to play it), but in most cases they're likely planning their moves rather than purposely wasting time. In any case, it shouldn't be too difficult to wait out those 60 seconds.

When I don't want to just sit and wait for my opponent to play, I usually Alt-Tab out of the game or look at the beautiful card arts. Premiums are especially good for this, naturally.

As for having a separate game mode with a shorter timer, I see no reason why something like that couldn't be implemented in the future.
nemirni;n9970461 said:
P.s. i remember you mentioned in another thread you also actually play ng mill sometimes. i mean some people would call that worse than roping as far as time wasting goes (i love playing against mill myself though).

If your memory is that good you should be remembering my reason playing mill from time to time. I despise mill and I'm happy it's gonna be done with the new patch but roping vs mill is completely irrelevant. Playing one way or another is definitely better than avoiding playing.

Turn timer option is the best way. If you wanna take your time, chit-chat during your turn, stream, play with a cat, have a tea and think for 5 minutes every turn, sure. Just get an opponent matching your speed and you can enjoy the game as much as you can. Slow players and roping is a torture for fast players.
altaybek;n9972991 said:
Turn timer option is the best way. If you wanna take your time, chit-chat during your turn, stream, play with a cat, have a tea and think for 5 minutes every turn, sure. Just get an opponent matching your speed and you can enjoy the game as much as you can

Turn timer option might have some sense in casual, but it just can't fit in ranked without having two separate ranking ladders which would be awful. The segregation you would have otherwise, would make it unfair to say the least.
nemirni;n9975211 said:
Turn timer option might have some sense in casual, but it just can't fit in ranked without having two separate ranking ladders which would be awful. The segregation you would have otherwise, would make it unfair to say the least.

-Who said two seperate ladders?
-How would it be unfair when both parties have the same condition?

It's a matter of preferance. This may be implemented for above Rank 18.

Let's say, I choose 30 second turn timer among 30s-60s-90s options and enter matchmaking then match with players that also chose 30s. If there aren't any 30s players available in your MMR range, you just match with the closest higher timer players. For example if there were no 30s players on my rank, I will be matched with 60s players. If I was 60s I will match with 90s. Where is the unfair part in that?

You may argue that some decks like Spies require more time to play. The solution for that is expanding the turn timer by 1,5 seconds for every card in your hand at the start of a round. This way 30s players would have 45 sec turn timer for the first round (60->75, 90->105). So you can still have time when the hand is at max and prevent roping when both players have 3 cards at hand in R3.
altaybek;n9975971 said:
-Who said two seperate ladders?
-How would it be unfair when both parties have the same condition?

It's a matter of preferance. This may be implemented for above Rank 18.

Let's say, I choose 30 second turn timer among 30s-60s-90s options and enter matchmaking then match with players that also chose 30s. If there aren't any 30s players available in your MMR range, you just match with the closest higher timer players. For example if there were no 30s players on my rank, I will be matched with 60s players. If I was 60s I will match with 90s. Where is the unfair part in that?

You may argue that some decks like Spies require more time to play. The solution for that is expanding the turn timer by 1,5 seconds for every card in your hand at the start of a round. This way 30s players would have 45 sec turn timer for the first round (60->75, 90->105). So you can still have time when the hand is at max and prevent roping when both players have 3 cards at hand in R3.

I can safely say that this will never be a thing. Turns are a good length as they are. It is important to take your time in Gwent if you are playing a deck with more reactive cards. I regularly take my full turn in Gwent even if I have already decided on what I am going to do within five seconds. It's just to give me time to consider all my options and prevent tunnel vision from ensuing, something that can happen if you become too click-happy.
altaybek;n9975971 said:
-Who said two seperate ladders?
-How would it be unfair when both parties have the same condition?

It's a matter of preferance. This may be implemented for above Rank 18.

Let's say, I choose 30 second turn timer among 30s-60s-90s options and enter matchmaking then match with players that also chose 30s. If there aren't any 30s players available in your MMR range, you just match with the closest higher timer players. For example if there were no 30s players on my rank, I will be matched with 60s players. If I was 60s I will match with 90s. Where is the unfair part in that?

You may argue that some decks like Spies require more time to play. The solution for that is expanding the turn timer by 1,5 seconds for every card in your hand at the start of a round. This way 30s players would have 45 sec turn timer for the first round (60->75, 90->105). So you can still have time when the hand is at max and prevent roping when both players have 3 cards at hand in R3.

I didn't say anybody said two separate ladders. I just said that would be only and awful way to fairly do it.
It is not just about some decks playing longer it is about messing up and biasing the matchmaking process. I am pretty sure, especially above rank 18 that most of the better players will choose the longer strategic timer making therefore a path easier for the quicksters....

All the streamers will take the longer timer (not that streamer equals good player, but experienced at least). So will all the players who count every point and weigh every option(aka better players).
on the other hand those without patience, some indeed genuine quick thinkers, and a whole group of those prone to quick action and stupid misplays will choose the shorter timer.

So, what do you think which would be the easier path to climb ranks?

As for time being longer at the beginning i think it is a messy solution to something that is not a problem in a first place. After all there is more to think in mid game and especially around passing point then in the opening...

altaybek;n9975971 said:
Let's say, I choose 30 second turn timer among 30s-60s-90s options and enter matchmaking then match with players that also chose 30s. If there aren't any 30s players available in your MMR range, you just match with the closest higher timer players. For example if there were no 30s players on my rank, I will be matched with 60s players. If I was 60s I will match with 90s. Where is the unfair part in that?

- matchmaking is a problem in every online game, we dont need to make it worse;
- 30s time means 90% "aggro" decks, 90s time means 90% "control" decks -> Different type of decks depending on time.

IN MY OPINION this is a very bad idea
Speed league or set amount of extra time

Can we either get a set amount of extra time (when the timer starts counting down from 30) maybe 3 countdowns per game.
Or get a gamemode with 30 second turns?
The most frustrating part for me in this game is bots and slow players
No thank you. I often find I don't have enough time to fully work out the consequences (e.g., when I use Iorveth: Meditation targeting a Dwarven Marauder).
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