you messed up on how broken this game is! [Wild Hunt Riders]

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you messed up on how broken this game is! [Wild Hunt Riders]

just played against someone who had 4 riders of the ild hunt on the field. He had 3, I blocked one of these and he jjust played f-ing Eredin and boom, he had 4, what bullshit -.- You better fix this immediately or people will just stop playing this.
You are most probably right. But is it possible he may have used operator to create an extra copy of wild hunt rider? No offense or anything like that intended.
You are kinda overreacting here. The game might not be in the best state yet, but having 4 of the same bronze cards has very little to do with it. Besides, haven't you ever encountered Operator before? 4 Queensguard or 4 Reaver Hunters, etc. It's quite a common tactic.
Not sure I understand. Eredin spawns any bronze wild hunt unit. If he had 3 riders played from hand, then played Eredin and got another one... What's the problem?
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