Separate gwent version for modding purposes?

Separate gwent version for modding purposes?

I'd love to see gwent to support user created custom content, but most of you would agree that it could open new ways for cheaters to break the game itself. So I would like to suggest to release separate gwent version for modders which wouldn't interfere to multiplayer to multiplayer version. Users could create new cards and play with friends like Star wars, fallout universe cards on gwent base. Imagine gwent cards with custom skins, new deck textures, modded UI. It would be fun and maybe popular. I self would love to spend hours building a nice game of thrones mod which might bring some fans who would try out the The Witcher universe as well. It would be incredibly fun!

People created amazing mods for Witcher 3 so I believe that something cool could be done for gwent as well. Just standalone version for modding should be considered or something alike. I'd be very happy if anyone would support this idea.
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