Returning Player: What to spend scraps on?

Returning Player: What to spend scraps on?

I'm a returning player and wanted to try Gwent out again after the recent patch. I didn't play for only a few months but a lot seems to have changed. After reaping all my season rewards I'm left with 3200 scraps, but i don't really know what to spend them on since I'm no longer familiar with the meta, card changes and the new cards.

I already own these golds:
Neutral: Ragh Nar Roog, Royal Decree, Ciri, Geralt:Igni, Geralt:Aard, Geralt, Triss Merigold, Avallach
Monsters: Imlerith
Nilfgaard: Cahir, Vilgefortz, Tibor Eggebracht
Northern Realms: Philippa, Dijkstra
Scoia'tael: Ithlinne, Iorveth, Saesenthessis
Skellige: Ermion, Wild Boar

I will appreciate any ideas and suggestions.

PS: Are there less players around? Sometimes the queue takes ages
NR is very strong and SK is often struggling, but who knows when the next patch will hit how much the meta shifts after that.

Personally I think it's best to go with the faction you actually enjoy playing and see where that goes.
BrotherJohn;n9594171 said:
Are there less players around? Sometimes the queue takes ages
For me it takes alot to find an opponent in casual. In ranked it takes less than 20sec. I'm not in ProLadder so i don't know how it is, but from watching streams it seems is pretty fast to find opponents there as well.

About crafting i would wait for the official stream (Join us live on Wednesday, September 27th, at 9PM CEST (12PM PDT) on the CD PROJEKT RED Twitch channel!) before crafting anything if you don't have a favorite faction.
considering the cards you listed, i'd say either focus on diff kinds of decks in NR and/or make a great sword SK deck.

regarding casual, i've seen no queue issues and that is all i play after hitting my ranked target of 3700.
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