How do you beat restore skellige?

How do you beat restore skellige?

I feel like im losing my sanity playing against this deck. Its literally the exact the moves repeated over and over. The carryover they acheive with ekimmara, cerys, restore and olgierd is near unbeatable. The only success i have is when playing monsters and interrupting their graveyard play but the other decks just cant match it. im playing on 4.1k MMR and this deck is played in 50% of matches ive faced.

And who's bright idea was it to give whale harpooners 8 strength? That card gives more value that most gold cards!

Whats the secret guys? am i missing something? how do NG/NR/ SC compete with this deck?
You can use locks to shut down Olgeird and Cerys. Carryover means nothing if you win round 1. But if you lose round 1, it's pretty much over.

The secret I've found is to play out (or at least feint) in round 2 provided that you won round 1. SK does NOT want to play round 2 and use up revives to keep up and win it. By playing round 2, they split their revives between rounds, which does you a favor. If you have two hard creature removal spells (like Scorch or Compression) in hand, play out round 2 until you have just those two left. At that point, give them the round. Cast your two creature removals in 3 to kill their 2 plays, then play the creature you drew.

If you're using Hailstorm, don't be afraid of playing it round 1 for a win.

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