Advice on my Nilf deck

Advice on my Nilf deck

Hi guys! Here is the deck I play at rank 14 atm. I find it quite effective although I'm stagnating between 2600 and 2700 mmr (the mmr patch has made it harder to rank up I find).
Can you tell me what you think of it? Any change you would do?
For information, I used to run one carcass and one ambassador less for an alzur thunder and another medic. Since we see less queensgard, I removed one medic. And since we see more NR, I prefer a carcass than an alzur thunder that's more effective versus SK.


Forum regular
Maybe change the Cahir for another gold card? Like Tiborg, or even Stefan Kellen? You already thin your deck enough with the other cards. Other then that, looks pretty solid.
Eydok;n9127520 said:
Maybe change the Cahir for another gold card? Like Tiborg, or even Stefan Kellen? You already thin your deck enough with the other cards. Other then that, looks pretty solid.
Well my deck does not work that good anymore since last patch. And btw I already play Tibor. The point of Cahir was not really to thin the deck but to choose the right card to play in a given situation


Forum regular
ciri dash is helpful mostly for SK, and tibor gives your oppenent one extra card. you may remove both . get a scorch or igni. vanhemar doesnt give 15 everytime, not much useful after the last update. too many emissary, since you already have 2 novices. make some changes and you'd rise above it.
cdrth;n9159460 said:
ciri dash is helpful mostly for SK, and tibor gives your oppenent one extra card. you may remove both . get a scorch or igni. vanhemar doesnt give 15 everytime, not much useful after the last update. too many emissary, since you already have 2 novices. make some changes and you'd rise above it.

As I said, this deck was made before the last patch. Now Vanhemar is not that good anymore. Also Ciri Dash and Cahir are less intersesting since you can't pull gold cards with Calveit anymore. I'll have to rework it. Nevertheless, I don't know why you would remove Tibor. Even with the -2 nerf, he is very strong played on round 3. I don't think I have too many emissaries neither since it helps to buff my imperial brigade + allow me to cycle my deck effectively (maybe I can remove 1 novice. What would you play instead?)


Forum regular
i rather prefer a lacerate (very helpful against consume monsters) blood curdling roar , dimeritium shackles, nauzicaa standard bearer for weather counter.
I'd try and stick in another medic if you can fit it. With your emissaries is usually gonna be a free card unless you get unlucky on draws in first round and good for messing with your opponents grave yard. Maybe stick some golems in if you normally play your leader card early (good for protecting your impera brigades but disadvantage of making your front row reach 20 more easily, then again it's not always bad to bait your opponent into using their gigni early).
I'd add a lacerate, it's usually 6-15 value vs SK/NR and it can achieve batshit levels of value against monsters swarm or consume.
I think you can replace Cahir with an Igni, Menno is also cuttable in this deck as he's far more reliable with Emhyr. Currently, he requires you to draw both him and Decoy and your enemy to play a spy, which probably doesn't happen often. Ambassadors are definitely cuttable in this meta, you probably get scorched/Gigni'd/mardroeme'd a lot?
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Guys no need to comment on that deck. It does not work anymore with the nerf of Calveit. I tried another version but don't like it. I play a bit of every ther factions atm espeially SK Johnny/Ciri Dash that I find very fun!
As already stated, Dash works better in a dash-specific deck (which Skellige is arguably doing better right now) or a Millfgaard deck. I'd consider Rainfarn or Stefan. I'd prefer more medics to novices, simply because you can make use/counter enemy strengths with it. Other than that it seems like a pretty standard deck, so just tech against what you feel like you struggle against and see a lot (lacerate for monsters, madroeme for axemen, etc.)

Edit: I do still think Vanhemar is useful btw. Its a good way to get a final clear once you know the opponent is out of weather, or to clear before your lacerate. If you don't use it for that, many people who run weather don't run weather clears (making his frost helpful), or you can use him as a 15 power card in a round that is played well-into (12 from tremmors and 3 from his body.)
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