Glitch with Philippa Einhart ability?

Glitch with Philippa Einhart ability?

Deploy: Damage an Enemy by 5, then Damage random Enemies by 4, 3, 2 and 1. The same Enemy cannot be Damaged twice in a row.
That is the description in the card.

But just now, with only two cards on my board with power of 6 and 4+2shield my rival played Philippa and fully destroyed both, so that "The same Enemy cannot be Damaged twice in a row." didn't work.
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She hits your 6 (for 5 dmg leaving you with 1 strength unit) then your 4+2 shield (for 4 dmg leaving you with 2 str unit.) then hits your now 1 str unit (for 3 dmg) and your now 2 str unit for 2 dmg. Your board is wiped. No bug.
I think you are confused with the wording. It won't hit it "in a row twice" means it can strike another card and come back to strike the first card again. So same card can be hit twice but it will have to another card before it can strike original once again.
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