How many times have you played W2?

I see everyone is answering about every game, not just W2. Some even posted about the books so...

Books: All of them, but just ones. I've started reading them again now but I'm too busy studying to really get into them right now.
W1: Twice, I think... and a third I didn't finish because my PC broke
W2: 3 times. First Iorveth, immediately after that I went to check out Roche's path. And then again, before W3 came out I played it again by Iorveth's path.
W3: Just once unfortunately, as I said I'm really busy of late so I can't play much
TW1 = 2 (always sided with the Scoia'tael)
TW2 = 4 (always Iorveth's path)
TW3 = 1

My third playthrough of TW2 I meant to do Roche's path... Whoops! Fourth playthrough was a good while after the third, and about a week before TW3 dropped.
TW1 - Once, planning a new playthrough of this.
TW2-Counting or not counting all my deaths mid-game on insane? Counting them over 20 times. Not counting them i've finished the game 6 times on Dark once on Insane.
TW3 - Twice so far, many more to come.
Somewhere around 4-5 I believe. Love this game. It's probably one of my favorite games right after W3. Just love the storytelling. Love how they manage Geralt's relationships, love how they weren't afraid to do detailed sex scenes in a video game that made it feel more like an adult experience overall. Just a fantastic game.
I lost count years ago, as I'll soon will with TW3. It's the game that got me into The Witcher, so it has a special place in my heart
well over 100 on the 3rd one and going again now. i havent yet beaten the witcher 2 though but eventually...the 3rd one is way better is the problem comparing to 2
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