Contest 3 - The one with the poem

Haha that was a good one. And yep I also like to know whatever communication has passed has been received.
And that's a sweet one. For fuck's sake I can barely rhyme, I'm a free verse person, and also I write mostly non-fiction but for here specially I sprung a tale, just an adventure of Geralt of Rivia. ;)
And, we can put up what we sent online now?
Thanks for the bravery points guys, at least I'm seeing them as props for exposing myself ;)

My effort is flawed, I'm all too aware parts don't flow as they should, a few more words need corrected, but I lost the zone and couldn't quite make it back... though I am kinda happy with the general content and tone. My original idea was a potential troublemaker, because there were verses on the forum denizens & the RED's - theres the triptych - but I figured the chance for misinterpretation was too high :p
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