XBOX 360 EE bug list

Bobaaganoosh said:
Hey guys, I've seem to run into a loading screen bug in Act 3. When meeting Roche in the sewers to go save Foltest's child, the game infinite loads when progressing into the sewers with Roche. The screen just loads and does nothing. Music can still be heard but you can't do anything. Please help, any ideas for a fix would be appreciated. This is on Xbox 360 btw.

Follow up through
Dark, Act 3: Spellbreaker bug

Game is broken for me. Lost all my progress on dark in Dark Act 3: Spellbreaker. Iorveth path, had just freed the witch and Geralt wouldn't walk, reloaded to a save just prior to entering the jail, freed her started walking down and died to the rotfiends. Reloaded again, this time saved just before their chamber, died again and now all my saves won't load at all. So terribly saddened to have lost all my progress on a stupid glitch that is apparently well known. Don't even have the patience in me right now to start over.

Tried clearing my cache and hoping my saves would free. That didn't work, and now as I'm writing this, my 360 has been trying to load my save for about 6 minutes.

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