Gamebreaking Bug, Can't Free Triss

Gamebreaking Bug, Can't Free Triss

I recently bought this game and have been playing through it, but I have encountered a major bug in Chapter 3 where you have to free Triss from the Nilfguardian camp. I defeat everyone and then it tells me to pick up the key and unlock her cell to free her, which I do. The problem is that once I unlock it and go down there, nothing happens. There is no cut scene and Triss just stands there bound and I can't interact with her. This is extremely frustrating since I can't progress the story or anything right now. I even tried going back to where I was still doing the Lilies and Vipers quest, but I still had the same issue. Is there any solution?

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Yes, this has come up a few times before. It appears to be a game bug, but only in very rare circumstances, and it hasn't happened often enough to come up with the pattern/cause.

The only solution we've found that works is for someone else to play past it. Whatever happens seems to happen during the fight - a flag isn't getting set. If you have a save from immediately before the Nilfgaard fight, and can upload it to a site like mediafire or dropbox, we can try playing past it and then giving you your save back. It's always worked so far.

Edit: If you do upload, can you also say whether or not you're using FCR? Whoever plays it through will need to be someone who uses/doesn't use it the same as you, otherwise this may not work.
dragonbird said:
Yes, this has come up a few times before. It appears to be a game bug, but only in very rare circumstances, and it hasn't happened often enough to come up with the pattern/cause.

Divine retribution, may be?
Another thing that might work as it has in the past . After the fight and before picking up the key make a manual save and exit the game . Then start the game via launcher and enable ubersampling then load your save pick up the key and make your way to triss and see if that solves your issue . If it does then after the talk make another save and exit again and disable ubersampling .
Well, here is the save while I was still in the pit of water and right before the cut scene. I tried the ubersampling method, but that had no effect. I am using the steam version of the game. Also, what is FRC?
Zerocaliber said:
Well, here is the save while I was still in the pit of water and right before the cut scene. I tried the ubersampling method, but that had no effect. I am using the steam version of the game. Also, what is FRC?

See if you can get it from:

Manual save 0474 is yours.
Quick save is after the battle.
Manual save 0475 is after freeing Triss.

(To be exact, what dragonbird mentioned is FCR 2, and it's a big rebalance mod that makes many changes in the game. So we had to ask: if you were playing with FCR 2, the save wouldn't play properly for somebody who wasn't, and vice versa.)
Umair2012 said:
Dude , just load older save and try again .

It didn't work for the others who had this problem. I think we've only seen it three or four times, so it isn't common, but those who experienced it really were stuck.
Hi guys!
I've also encountered this unfortunate error exactly as described by other users. I've really, really enjoyed the game so far, and - dammit - I want to play the rest! :)/> It's the only thing keeping me sane in these last months of grad school.
If this thread is still being read, my savegame can be downloaded here:

It would be awesome if anyone had the time to beat the hell out of the last Nilfies and free Triss for me!
Geralt is mostly sign-based with a bit of swordsmanship thrown in for survivability.
I'm not using the Full Combat Rebalance mod.

Hey Fury, do you have a different save, because I tried this one and couldn't get past the bug. I also noticed some artifact which I've never seen before- a white bubble covering Geralt when you first start the game. Well, regardless, if you have another save I can try that.
cmdrsilverbolt said:
Hey Fury, do you have a different save, because I tried this one and couldn't get past the bug. I also noticed some artifact which I've never seen before- a white bubble covering Geralt when you first start the game. Well, regardless, if you have another save I can try that.

Thank you so much for trying, Commander!
Perhaps this save can be used, it's a short while before the original one I uploaded:
I didn't notice the white bubble, but it might be the aftermath of the Quen sign - he's standing in water and that gives some bonuses.

HongKongFury said:
Thank you so much for trying, Commander!
Perhaps this save can be used, it's a short while before the original one I uploaded:
I didn't notice the white bubble, but it might be the aftermath of the Quen sign - he's standing in water and that gives some bonuses.

No problem, dude. I got it working on this file. You had one skill point, I didn't assign it anywhere. I also picked up all the loot from the soldiers because it disappears once you reload. You have the key to the cell, so all you have to do is walk inside; I think you should walk and not run, maybe that helps. Let me know if there's a problem.
That is wonderful, Commander! I'll try it out as soon as I'm done here at work - can't wait to see what happens next!
I'll let you know, thanks for all your work.

You have to kill the guy you talked to before the fight with a sword, after he says that "he failed". I've encountered this bug because I killed him with Igni sign. Once I decided to try leaving him as the last opponent, I finished him off with the sword and I could progress further.
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