Ciri dying bug?

Ciri dying bug?

I don't understand why Ciri just died on me.
Even though i did not do any of the following->Instead i did:

A) Take the coin from Emhyr -> I didn't even go to the emperor with her
B) Put the Lara Dorren necklace on Ciri -> Instead i told her to "go for it"
C) Do not play snow fight with Ciri -> I played with her and won the fight
D) Go with Ciri to the Lodge of Sorceresses-> I let her go in alone
E) Don't agree to visit Skjall's grave -> I went with her and buried Skjall

I tried also to talk her out of entering the portal before she died, but she didn't listen

Are there any other mandatory decisions that i have missed that could lead to her dying, or is that a game bug that i am experiencing?

Maybe someone can enlighten me, so i can replay it with the correct choices?

EDIT: Nevermind, the Witcher mentioning "Ciri is dead" in a dialogue made me quit the game session without realizing that she wasn't actually dead and he met her back at the inn.
Sorry for asking this question, all is working as expected then!.

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I just start playing this game few weeks ago. I'm new to this subject so I have no idea how to help you. I just want to share my feedback about this game. Lovely game one of the best I ever played.
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