Gwent bug, no cards in the deck, yennefer is instead of the king

Gwent bug, no cards in the deck, yennefer is instead of the king

I've uninstalled all the mods and I've been installing, checking for something else but the time itself


  • photo198062.jpg
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Can you explain more about your setup? What mods were you using? Where are you in the game? How large was your Gwent collection? When did the problem start? Did you recently change something (new mods, removed mods, updated the game, etc?)

In general, if you install a mod, save the game, then remove or change a mod...that can cause issues. Even though mods are removed, they can leave reference data in the save-state that is permanent. Did you do any swapping of mods during this playthrough, by any chance?
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I used mod Gwent Deluxe 2.0, and many more (screen) yesterday I decided to install nemezismod, and I thought about removing this GwenDeluxe 2.0 when I installed nemezis,after launching the game this is what happens. Older saves are good without bugs
Verify/repair game??


  • photo198092.jpg
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unsub4;n10514442 said:
yesterday I decided to install nemezismod, and I thought about removing this GwenDeluxe 2.0 when I installed nemezis,after launching the game this is what happens.

What I describe above is almost certainly what happened. Players cannot simply install and uninstall mods at will, unfortunately (with almost any game). Or rather, installing mods is fine. Removing mods is fine. But installing a mod, saving the game, then uninstalling and trying to reload that save is very prone to problems. That's where damaged / empty reference data comes from, and once the references are saved in the save-state, they cannot be removed. Whenever "trying out" a new mod, follow this procedure:

1.) Manually back up all of your saves. I recommend moving, not copying, the files, just to ensure you have everything. Put them in a folder on the desktop, or ideally, in an external drive or thumbstick. Then, copy one or two files back to the actual saved games folder the game uses.

2.) Install whatever mods, but be sure you remember exactly what the installation setup was before you start fiddling. (I'll often take a snip of various folders if I have a somewhat complex mod setup, just to ensure I remember the correct structure.)

3.) Open one of the saved games, and fiddle away. I avoid saving at all while testing. If I do, I'll avoid saving over those files, and instead create new saves.

4.) Once I decide on what I want to do, I'll delete all of the saves I used to fiddle around and restore only one or two saves from the backup again. If I encounter any issues, I have a backups that are unaffected by the new mods, so I can uninstall the mods and roll-back to that point.

If players ever uninstall a mod and continue on their present save, there is a great chance of issues like this. If that's the case, the only options you have are a.) return the game to the state it was in before you made changes (install the old mod setup exactly as it was), or b.) begin a new game. A mod's reference data (in almost all cases) cannot be removed from a save-state. Once you save your game with a mod installed, it's there forever.

Hopefully that helps. As long as you have a save that you did not save over after uninstalling the Gwent Delux mod, you should be able to roll back to that point without issue.
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What SigilFey is true.

I've seen pretty much every gwent bug under the sun and what you have is almost unsolvable, it comes when the id's of cards get changed, (which is when mods add new cards or changed existing ones). Not all gwent mods are prone to this, it depends on the exact changes that it made to your save file. To put it simply your card collection is looking for the right cards to add to your deck and if those cards had their id changed then it can't and breaks.

Now there is a way to 'solve' it, you would need a mod that mimics Gwent Deluxe in terms of the ids it messed with but leaves the mechanics and card details as vanilla. You'll need to talk to the mod author about that.
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